What Happened? The Company & Reader Part 1

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Fandom: The Hobbit

Pairing: The Company x Reader (platonic)

Words: 1657

Summary: You found an old little workshop in one of the abandoned halls in Erebor. It has been almost 2 years since The Battle and renovations were well underway. In the little workshop you found tools from your world, for example screwdrivers, hammers, spanners ect. You spend for what felt like hours inside the workshop repairing a little radio barely bigger than your hand. And when you finally fixed it, you went to show The Company only to find something is very wrong.

A/N: This is my first 'x Reader' story so I would appreciate if you could point out any mistakes that I may have made, because this isn't edited. This is a Everyone lives/Nobody dies (kind of) au because I said so. This took about a little over an hour to write, and I must say, I'm quite proud how it turned out.


Walking the halls of Erebor was something that you would never get tired of. You just loved to admire the dedication and detail that was etched into the very walls. You admired the tapestries that hung on the walls, and the feeling of importance you had when you walked through them.

And while you were walking, you had some time to think of everything that has happened to you. From falling into Middle-Earth to meeting the Company of Thorin Oakenshield.

You only had seen the world of Middle-Earth through the screen of your TV or in the pages of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings or in all those fanfics you read.

But actually being here was something else, you could smell the freshness in the air and not all that pollution that had infected the air.

You could see the great mountains and forests, the feeling of soft grass under your feet and hear the singing of the birds.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when you had reached a dead end. Looking around you saw a door all by its lonesome self.

Your curiosity getting the best of you, you went to the door and slowly pushed it open. Peeking inside, you gasped at what you see. Inside was the exact replica of your dad's workshop that was once your garage.

You stepped inside and looked through all the drawers and all the little cupboards you helped your dad put up. You couldn't believe your eyes, it was just as you remembered.

Tears began to sting your eyes as you saw the photo frame that had always sat on your dad's workbench. It was a photo of the two of you your mother took when you weren't looking. It was when you were about seven and you were helping your dad replace one of the cars tires.

You were sitting on the wheel he had taken off, a big grin on your face, looking at your dad as if he hung the moon. Because to you, he did, he was your everything, your role model, your hero.

But all that changed when you were fifteen, it was when he died. Him and your mother were coming back from the clinic. They went because they thought your mother was pregnant.

It was all going well before they got T-boned by a drunk driver that didn't stop at the light. The drunkard crashed into the driver's side and made the car flip over onto its roof.

Your dad's legs were practically being crushed between the car door and had bled out before the ambulances had arrived. Luckily your mother had survived with only a broken arm and a few scratches.

When you heard the news, your entire world came crashing down.

And it turns out, that your mother was pregnant and after nine months, a beautiful boy was born. You and your mother both decide to give him your dad's name.

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