Chapter 22: VIP

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"Are you and Tara dating?"

My head instantly shot up at the sound of my name. Of course, someone would ask that. My eyes darted over the crowd, each and every one of the 30-or-so faces lit up with intrigue and excitement. My mind raced over all of the possible reactions that might come with confirming their beliefs: each and every single possibility in my head being a negative one. They might tell everyone, I could be bombarded with disapproving comments, everything could get too stressful for the both of us, the list could go on.

I glanced around to see every single eye on me, the fans' with anticipation and the boys' with concern. My own eyes were instantly drawn to Emerson's, instantly captivating me the way they always had done, my heart resting slightly. They had a quality to them that always hinted at passion and care, no matter what he was looking at.

"We're just close." My heart instantly settled as Emerson so easily lied for me, clearly seeing the panic I was trying my hardest to contain.

As I glanced around again, I noticed a glimmer of disappointment in most of the group's eyes. Were they hoping for a 'yes'?

That thought was confirmed by a sigh from the girl who had asked the question, "Aw, you'd look really cute together," and received nods from the others.

"We'll see." Emerson shrugged his shoulders in a small movement, closing his eyes and his lips curving into a smile that to some people would be seen as contentment, but to me (who knew better of the situation than others) was totally mischievous.

"How about some songs?" Much to my gratitude, Remington quickly changed the subject and cleared his throat.

The sound of Sebastian's guitar resonated around the room, the small, closed area making the notes somehow louder as they bounced off of everything and everyone. It was a beautiful sound, the C# chord and the gentle scrape of the pick against the strings. Next came a B, then F# and a second C#, and Remington chimed in with his singing. While the two older brothers' melodies floated around the room beautifully, my ears concentrated on the gentle tapping of Emerson's hands against the plastic wall of the bunk. The three of them were so perfect together that I found myself unintentionally singing along, my fingers tapping on the table gently in time. When I realised it, my volume gradually got louder so that it added to the entire group's voices. The drummer soon heard me joining in, and smiled at me almost proudly.

As the song came to an end, joyful grins spread across the room, even on my own.

"Any requests?" Sebastian asked, and a small voice from the back instantly responded with a 'Ma Chérie!', which earnt many nods and other people chimed in.

I felt eyes on me, and turned to see Emerson looking at me with a wide, goofy grin on his face. He started to mouth words at me. I couldn't make anything out, so I narrowed my eyes in request for him to repeat, and eventually figured out that he was saying 'You've got a beautiful voice'. I shook my head and looked away in attempt to avoid the blush that threatened to turn my cheeks an embarrassing shade of red.

I found myself so lost in the music that I was surprised when the fans were slowly filing out of the bus for pictures. I was easily startled as I felt a body slide into the bench aside of me and an arm wrap around my shoulders. An uncontrollable blush crept onto my face as Emerson's lips pressed against my temple gently.

"Thank you." I managed to peep out. Just his presence was enough to make me nervous.

"What for, mi amour?"

"Lying for me."

"Whenever you're ready." He brought my chin up with his finger and kissed me softly. When he pulled away, I patted his chest twice.

"You should get out there. I'll meet you in the venue for sound check." He smiled and nodded, hopping out of the bus with a goofy smile.

With most the attention on the boys, I managed to slip out of the bus and into the venue fairly unnoticed. I spent the remaining time everyone was outside in our designated dressing room, sprawled out over the rather comfortable sofa in quite the embarrassing position. The moment the door cracked open, I shot up to avoid the mocking.

Cairon's head peered around the door, his voice sing-song as he called, "Soundcheck time! Everyone's in there waiting." He disappeared just as quickly as he arrived, leaving me to haul myself off the couch and stumble with very little grace through the corridors and onto the stage, where I was greeted by several of my bandmates dotted around the room. Sebastian was crouched over his foot pedal, Remington taking videos of the rather intricately detailed ceiling, and Emerson at his drums.

"Tara!" The drummer called and beckoned for me to walk towards him, which I gladly did. "C'mere. Sit, lemme show you a few things." I hesitated for a second before carefully positioning myself on the stool between his legs, his arms instantly snaking around my waist.

"You know, I've never actually held a drumstick before." I smiled nervously as he handed me the wooden sticks, his larger hands wrapping around mine.

"It's easy." He said simply, positioning my right arm over the hi-hat. "When I say one and three, kick this foot pedal." I prepared for his counting and reached for the pedal that was attached to the bass drum.

"Okay..." I nodded, concentrating on the simple task that I found surprisingly difficult.

Emerson started tapping the hi-hat at a regular pace before counting in. "One, two, three, four." On his count, I did as he instructed, kicking the bass whenever I heard 'One' and 'Three', whilst on the second and fourth count he guided my hand to hit the snare drum. I gently eased into the rhythm, a smile spreading across my face.

"What the fuck, man? I thought Tara told you to leave." Emerson and I stopped as soon as we heard Remington's raised voice across the room.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I just really need to talk to her." Deakin. That asshole.


I've suddenly got the urge to completely rewrite this entire fic bcs I hate all the old writing whoops so lmk if you'd actually put up with my chaos brain and read it

but for now I cba so enjoy this shitty chapter for now :)

Zoe xoxo

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