Chapter 9: The Moment After

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╔════⟐════╗The Moment After╚════⟐════╝

"When did it start?" Emerson asked, pacing in the center of the room restlessly.

"A few weeks ago." My voice only came out as a quiet squeak, as Sebastian's arm wrapped around my shoulder. Remington rushed into the room and placed a cup of coffee in my hands, sending me a warm smile.

"She's gone now, don't worry." The guitarist's words were supposed to be comforting, but nothing calmed the panic inside me. It wasn't like she had disappeared off the face of the Earth. She was still in the city, she still knew where I worked, she could still find me. 

"And we're only a call away." Remington added, sitting himself on an amp next to the couch. I nodded slightly in response and slowly took a sip of the bitter coffee.

Emerson still paced around the room, anger on his face. I glanced at his icy grey eyes that were still filled with fury. 

We sat there in the awkward silence for a few minutes longer before a distant yell could be heard from down the corridor. "Tara? Tara!" Suddenly, a worried Alexis popped her head around the door, and each of our heads whipped to look at her simultaneously. Her blue eyes locked on mine, and she hurried to sit on my vacant side and pulled me into her chest.

"I knew that bitch didn't love you." I couldn't help but let out a short laugh through the tears at her comment. "You should listen to me more." She placed her hands on my shoulders and looked down on me with a sympathetic smile.

"I'm taking you home, okay? We're gonna get you stuffed on ice cream and watch a movie. Thank you for looking after her, boys." She gently took my hands and lifted me up of the couch. The two older brothers shot the two of us caring smiles, while Emerson simply glanced at me then returned to his pacing.

Alexis took my hand and led me out of the room. I really was lucky to have a best friend like her, one that cared for me so much. She'd done so much for me- gave me a home, bought my clothes simply to cheer me up, cut a date short just to pick me up.

My thoughts were interrupted half way down the dimly lit corridor when a familiar voice called my name.

"Tara!" I turned around to see the drummer that had fought for me an hour ago. "Can we talk?"

I turned to Alexis and gave her a slight smile that said 'I'll meet you in the car'. That's the thing with knowing someone for so long - it's as though you can read each other's minds. She returned the smile, and I turned back around to see Emerson a lot closer than he was before.

"I'm sorry" his words seemed quieter than they usually were- nervous even. What would he be sorry for? He was the one who fought against that monster of a girlfriend for me; he was the one who saw the talent in me when I couldn't.

"I shouldn't have attacked her like that. I- I don't know what came over me." I could see the sadness in his captivating grey eyes.

"You shouldn't be sorry." I force the words out, despite how reluctant they were to leave. 

"No, I should. I just felt so.. protective of you. I don't know why." He gushed, shaking his head. I reached up and gently placed my hands on his warm cheeks, steadying his head.

"Look, if it wasn't for you, she'd have done worse than before."

"Before?" He placed his hands on mine and pulled them down, concern in his eyes. I let the words slip that I'd been keeping secret for the past few weeks. My heart sank as his expression turned more serious. I tried my hardest to avoid eye contact, but he squeezed my hand lightly bringing my attention back to him. "What do you mean by 'worse than before'? How bad was it?"

"Emerson I-" I tried to protest before I was shortly interrupted.

"What else did she do to you, Tara?" His voice was angry, but this anger didn't shoot fear up my spine like Dahlia's. My hand subconsciously moved to my beanie where I caught the blow from the bottle. It had mostly healed except from the largest cut which was now just a thin scab.

I flinched slightly as the drummer's hand gently pulled the black hat off my head. My hair was messed around slightly, but that was the least of my problems now. His calloused hand gently wandered around the scab on my scalp, trying his hardest to avoid causing me pain.

"That bitch." I heard him mumble through clenched teeth.

I pulled the beanie out of his hands and stepped away, my head hanging in embarrassment. "I have to go." I murmur before turning away and hastily striding out of the hallway. I couldn't turn back. I couldn't face what he would say. I just couldn't deal with the thoughts that were overwhelming my mind.

I hastily ran towards Alexis' car, leaving all of what just happened behind me. I was greeted by a concerned smile from my best friend, which sent waves of comfort around me. Without hesitation, she turned the ignition on and started driving home. The first few minutes of the journey were silent, the only sounds being Alexis' muttered road rage. The awkward silence was broken, surprisingly, by my own demanding words. 

"I demand Shrek."


Another filler chapter I knowww I'm sorry

I'm updating this early because I had it written wayy too early and I have a tonne of free time on my hands.

Zoe xoxo

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