chapter 10

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Lisa PoV.

I woke feeling like my body is on fire.

"Why is here so god damn hot"

I muttered. Weight on my arm shifted and I felt something hot pressing to me more.

"Shut the fuck up Manoban, I'ma still tired"

I looked to the side and saw Jennie laying on my chest. I wouldn't be that shocking if I didn't feel something soft on my rib cage. She was naked, like naked naked. Her soft boobs were pressed to my almost naked body. I was about to freak out, when her hand pressed on my mouth.

"Not now, we will have time for that later"

She removed her hand and let it fall on my chest.

I smirked. Nothing can come between her and sleep. Well almost nothing. The loud alarm on my phone started to ring.


Jennie groaned in pain and sat up. I turned off my phone and continue laying. I was still confused, but the memory of last night came to me. I smirked as I saw Jennies naked back.

"What are you smiling at?"

She turned to me and my eyes fall on her fully exposed chest. She looked confused and then it hit her.

"Shit Lisa! You pervet!"

She quickly covered herself in sheet. I couldn't help myself, but laugh. She was turning red as tomato. I sat up and gave her kiss on forehead.

"Good morning love" I said and gave her another kiss on cheek.

"Um, G-Good morning?" She kissed me on my cheek.

"Why the question?"

"Well, I do remember last night, because I wasn't that drunk.." she paused to breath as she remembers last night "..but there is still something that isn't quiet definite." She ended her sentence. I nodded

"You are right." I stare at her with serious face.

"So?" She spoken quietly.

"I think we both can agree that.." I paused.

"That?" She was getting impatient again. I couldn't stop it and smirked.

" That I'm top" she punched me in my arm.

"You bitch!" Even though she was trying to look mad I could saw her smiling.

"Sorry" I laughed.

"Jokes aside" she cleared her throat.

"I wasn't joking ms. Kim"

I said lowly.

"Is that so? Didn't you said that you are top? It sounds like a joke to me."

She said looking at me all innocent.

"Wanna me prove it to you?" I pulled her to me by her weist. She bite her lip.

"As much as I would want to, there are two annoying creature being right in living room waiting for us."

She stood up and get dressed. I was watching her every move as if I seen her for the first and last time.

"Are you gonna keeps staring at me? It's embarrassing"

"Why? Nothing I haven't seen last night"

"Shut up and get dressed." She just said as her ears were getting red.

She was about to put a shirt on her when I stoped her.

"I'm sorry nini, but you have to were turtle neck or do magic with make up."

I tapped on her neck where the purple hickey was.

She looked in mirror. She tried to cover it with hair. I wasn't that big.

"Well, thats fucked up.." I bite my lip.

"..but nothing I can't deal with. I thing."

She smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her on lips. Our first real sober kiss and it felt amazing even more then last night.


"Yes Jennie?" I looked her in eyes.

"I..I love you"

My heart stopped for a second before beating like a crazy. "Don't you feel the same?" She looked nervous. "If not we can forgett everything" she was on edge of criing.

"Say that again" she looked confused but said it anyway.

"I love you"


"I love you Lisa"

I gripped her waist.


"I love you so much Lalisa Manoban" she almost yelled this one.

I kissed her hard, bitting on her lower lip, begging for entrace. She opened hee mouth with moan. I shoved my tongue in her mouth, batteling for dominace. Her hands were tangeled in my hair. I won and pulled from her to breath.

"'I love you too'?" She said between breaths.

"I love you Jennie" I said and pecked her lips.

After that we put some clothes on us and went to living room. Jisoo and Rosé was sitting on couch.

"Hey there, did you sleep well?" Jisoo asked piercing me with her eyes.

"As a baby" I grinned on her, pretending I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Stop that shit Lisa and talk"

"What do you want me to say unnie?"

"Who is the top? Was it good? How many rounds?"

I choked on my water and Jennie kneeled down holding on cup board. Her neck was red.

"What the fuck?! Why would you ask on that? I didn't ask you and chipmunk either"

"Answer me"

"I'm top" I said proudly.

"Lisa!" Jennie yelled on me.

"Sorry love" I smirked on her and helped her to stood up.

"Ha! I told ya Chu! You are threating me to lunch" Rosie clapped her hands happily.

"You have betrayed me Jendeuk" Jisoo faked dissapointmend. Small laugh escaped from Jennie.

I went to fridge, pulled out orange juice, eggs and bacon.

"I'm gonna make eggs and bacon, do you want any?" I asked her. She nodded and back hugged me as I was cooking our breakfast.

"Why don't you cook for me too Rosie?"

We heard Jisoo from couch.

"Do you want to call firemens that badly?"

We all laughed on that.

"Point taken" Jisoo said and chuckled.

This is the best morning of my life.

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