Chapter I.

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Jennie POV

We were back at our dorm from vaction on Hawaii. Even though it sound impossible, Lisa and I grown even closer to each other, of course I get to known my two other memebers more, but it was different then with Lisa. I have many good memories, that I'm sure I will remember for the rest of my life.
On our last week of holiday we separated ways.
I can't wait to see her again. Rosé and I came back earlier so after we unpacked, we started to prepare dinner for Jisoo and Lisa.

" I will cut the carrot" she said.

I just nodded and kept watching the soon to be soup.
I set the table and rosé started to serve the soup. After that we heard the door closing.

"Heeeey did u miss us?!" I heard familiar voice.

Happiness shot through my whole body as I turned to see the person I was waiting for. I run to her and throw my self around her neck. She giggled and hugged me back.

"i've missed u too nini"

I mummered against her that I miss her too and let go of her and hugged jisoo too.

"I missed u chu"

"I missed u too jendeuki"

Lisa was almost drooling when she saw the food. She quicky change in other clothes and set to the table.
We thanked for food and started eating.

"Lisa is washing dishes" I said and quickly jumped on sofa , rosé followed me laughing and so did Jisoo.

"Are you for real??" She said with pouting.

I grinned on her.

" You should hurry or you are gonna miss the whole film."

After five minutes or so I felt weigh besides me. Lisa sat next to me and smiled on me. I snuggeled to her and we keept watching the movie. I could feel her heart beat and when she laughed it was all I could hear.
I suddenly felt someones hand on my cheek, slightly caressing it.
"Wake up nini, you should go to your room, the film already ended."
I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. I realized I was lying in her lap.
I felt my face heat up. I set up quickly and yawned. " I turned to her and wrapped my hands around her neck.

"Lisa-ya carry me~"
She pinched my cheek. "Nope"
"Ouch, that hurt" I said as I was rubbing my cheek.
She stood up and bowed to give me kiss on the cheek she just pinched.
"Good night nini"
"Good night lili" i said and kissed her on her cheek. She walked to her room and I was sitting there alone. I looked on my phone and realized that the movie ended like 30 minutes ago. Maybe she slept too and just woke up, even though she didn't look like that.
I yawned again and felt tears of tiredness on corners of my eyes.
Never mind. I though and went to my room.

Next day

I woke up at noon. I got up from my bad and went to brush my teeth. When I changed from my pyjamas I went to kitchen and saw Jisoo sitting there, eating a toast.

"Good morning chu" i said amd hugged her from behind.

"Morning" she said and continued to play on the phone with toast in her mouth. I chuckled on that. She is the oldest and yet she is still so childish.

I sat on couch with my cereal and watched some document.

"Morning girls" I heard Rosé.
"Monin" I said with my mouth full.
She came to me and laid down next to me.
"I'm still tired after almost 12 hours of sleep." She said and yawned.
"Hm same here" I said and continued on watching the tv.
After hour I went to wake up Lisa. I slowly opened the door, found her lying on her bed with covers all over her and with earphones in her ears. I pulled tyem out.

She looked like a baby when she sleeps. I set on bed next to her and slightly shook with her hand.

"Hey lili, it's time to wake up, you slept 12 hours already." She growled something and turned her face into pillow.

"Lalisa Monoban wake up or I will cook Leo for dinner." She quickle turned her head to me and opened her eyes.

"You wouldn't do that"

"Are you sure?" I said and grabbed Leo from ground. I stood up and went to the door.
She jumped of her bad and ran after me.
I ran from her as she tried to catch me, I laughed  when she was begging me to give her Leo back. After a while I let Leo go and I felt arms around my stomach.
Lisa was hugging me from back.

"Jennie unnie I'm still sleepy and hungry~"

"Then go fix your self something"

"But I didn't even get morning kiss"
I felt my face heat up again. I turned in her arms to face her and gave her quick peck on cheek.
"Good morning lisa"
She gave me goofy smile.
"Morning nini" with that she went to the kitchen.
It really feels like family here.

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