Chapter 12

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Lisa PoV.

I don't know how much did I sleep, but it was night. I felt something pocking my cheek, so I turned to face it. Two beautiful cat like eyes were staring at me. Jennie. Her gummy smile spread across her face, she cupped my cheek and pulled me closer.

I closed my eyes as I felt her perfect soft lips against mine, it was slow simple kiss, but have all emotions in it. I could feel her smile in the kiss.

I smiled too and pulled away.

"I would say good morning, but it's dark so"

She giggled on me. " Its actualy about nine pm."

"Well, thats why I'm so hungry."

I kissed her forhead and sat up. Shit.

I hissed in pain and layed down again.

I heard her laugh.

"You are sore hm?"

"And you are laughing at me because?"

"Because.." she lifted herself up, sat on my lap and helped me to sit too. "..we have dance practise in few hours and you will not be able to move for day." Her arms were around my neck. Her body was pressed against mine as she kissed me again, I was pulling her closer by her back.

"You will be the death of me Jennie Kim, but it would be the best death I could ever imagine."

She let her head fall on my shoulder while she was laughing.

"You know what? I'm excited for our dancing practice, it will be fun watching you trying to dance."

"You are evil"

"Love you too"

She pecked my lips and get off me. She was there, standing all naked, smile not leaving her face and trying to find her clothes.

I couldn't help myself then smile on that view.

Suddenly she bent down and even better view came into my sigh. I whisteled on her to tease her. She quickly got up, all red.

"You are such a perved Lisa"

"But you love me" I grinned on her and get out of bed.

"Fuck my everything hurts"

"And it will get worse if you don't put clothes on you right now."

She head dirty look in her eyes as she was wandering with her eyes everywhere on my body.

"And who is pervet here?"

I smiled on her as much sweetly as I could.

I slowly walked to kitchen and because Jennie was laughing like crazy, I could say I walked as I have something between my legs.

"Watcha laughing at Jendeuk?" Jisoo was sitting in living room on couch. Jennie skipped to her and gave her kiss on cheek.

"On Lisa, you would understand if you would see her."

She giggled and set besides her. Jisoo turned her gaze to me and bursted in laugh.

"I'm glad that my suffering is making you feel better, where is Rosie? I bet she would laugh too"

I mummled under my nose. I felt arms around my waist and kiss pressed on my cheek.

"I'm sorry, but you are just so cute" Jennie was back hugging me.

"What about, that you will go sit down on couch and I will make us dinner hm?"

I nodded with smile and began my journey to couch. They both started to laugh again.

"Gosh you are so unbelievabel."

I hissed on both of them and sat down.

"About Rosie, she is in shower, so she will miss it."

"Poor thing"

I muttered and made myslef comfortable. Jisoo chuckled and went back to watching TV.

Jennie came back soon, with eggs, sausages and vegetable. She sat down and put it on her thighs.

"Say aah" I opened my mouth and she slipped the fork with few eggs in.

"Yummy!" I wrapped my arms around her neck.

Jennie PoV.

I know that it hurts, but she looked so funny when she tried to walk. It will get better and she will be able to at least walk properly to practice.

After eating, we were all watching TV. Rosie came few minutes after.

"Hey there, why where you laughing so hard few minutes ago?"

"Oh you will see soon enough" Lisa said.

I let out chuckle. Rosie was confused, but sat down besides Jisoo and gave her kiss on cheek.

"I'm sleepy chu, lets go to the bed."

"But you will miss the chance to laugh on Lisa" Jisoo said sadly.

"Why would I laugh at her?"

"See, wait a minute" she just nodded.

Suddenly a phone started to ring in Lisas room. It was hers, because I had mine with me. She groaned and stood up.

"Oh shit, here we go again"

I tried not to laugh. She started to walk towards our room and me and Jisoo were dead laughing again. Rosie was looking at her with worried look, but amusemend was seen in her eyes.

"Why is she walking so funny?" She tried not to laugh.

"Our Jendeuk messed her up a little bit" Jisoo smirked on me.

"Huh? Didn't Lisa said that she is top?"

"Little misunderstanding I belive" I chuckled as Lisa was coming back.

She was all red.

"Thats not true, I was top"

"The key word is 'was' hon, you are no more on top"

"Thats what you say" she grinned on me and sat next to me.

"Get a room if you wanna talk about that" Jisoo was looking at us.

"I don't think talk will do and besides Lisa isn't in a state to argue"

"Challenge accepted" She muttered and grabbed me bride style, caring me to our room.

"I'm sorry if we will be loud!"

I yelled od them and laughed. Even though she was in pain, she manage to carry me in her room and throw me in bed.

As I leaned on bed, she climbed on top of me. This will be fun.

Jisoo PoV.

Me and Rosie went to our room, to watch netflix on my laptop, because they were too loud. They are together about three days and already sleeping with each other like animals.

A sigh escaped from me as I was thinking when Rosie and I will so that too.

I was happy with her and loved her, so I will wait until she will be ready, it's just a real pain sometimes.

I looked next to me on my beautiful chipmunk girlfriend and smiled.

Yeah I would wait as much as she needs me to. I kissed her on cheek. Her smile was on her lips as she looked at me. I kissed her again, but on lips now.

"I love you Chae"

"I love you too Chu" she blushed.

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