Spideypool :)

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Warnings: maybe cussing (since Wade is in it). Alsooo Peter isn't underaged.

Please note that there isn't a lot of spideypool in this one shot and that this is

 based off of a tik tok storytime

*Peter's POV*

Today is my 20th birthday and I'm celebrating it with Wanda, Pietro, and Natasha. The others aren't here since they have an important mission to complete, which is a huge bummer.

It's okay though since the trio took me to this amazing fancy restaurant, and we were having so much fun. 

I opened the menu, which had intricate designs adorning every page. Reading the first dish I saw, I glanced at it's price and my eyes widened. 

What is their food made of? Diamonds? Gold?

I looked through the pages, each price made me loose my appetite more and more, and I didn't even know what some of these words mean. 

Nat must have noticed my discomfort. "Get whatever you want baby spider. It's your birthday, you deserve getting spoiled. My treat." She reassured. 

I wanted to argue with her but my words were cut short when a waitress came to our table, asking for our order politely.

The others gave their orders and I stumbled on my words, trying to decide what to get. Wanda came to my rescue and ordered something for me that had to do with chicken, I think? 

A few minutes later, our food came and it was DELISCIOUS. We ate till we couldn't anymore and my stomach felt like it was going to explode. 

The others finished their meals, and Nat ordered desert for us. We were nearly done eating the large chocolate deserts when Nat requested the check from a random passing waiter.

I puffed happily, sloughing in my fancy chair, which wasn't very comfy. I glanced lazily at the waiter as he walked off after he gave Nat the check. Nat's poker face didn't alter one bit as she looked at the check. 

She pulled out her purse, rummaging though it for awhile. She looked up at us with a neutral face, but I could see a hint of anxiousness in her eyes. 

"I can't find Tony's credit card," she whispered to the twins, although I could obviously hear her due to my enhanced senses. 

I straightened up in my seat and looked at her worriedly. "How much?" I asked. She made a face, and slid the check on the table towards me. 

My face fell, and I felt like my eyes would pop out of their sockets when I looked at the huge number. 

I guess we'll be stuck here, washing dishes for the rest of our lives. The waiter passed our table, taking the empty plates of the deserts. He glanced at the check before leaving. 

Wanda and Pietro started panicking, talking to Nat in Russian in hushed whispers. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, thinking of a way to fix this mess. 

Just as I was about to lose hope, a wide smirk spread on Nat's face, and she scooted her seat closer to the twins and whispered a bunch of things in Russian that I couldn't understand. 

Nat discreetly passed something to Wanda, who passed it to Pietro. I couldn't tell what it was but it was small.

A few minutes passed with me just sitting here awkwardly, Pietro stood up abruptly, only to kneel down on one knee right next to Wanda. 

He took something out of his back pocket and he held it towards Wanda with a goofy grin.

"Will you marry me?"

I'm pretty sure that confusion could be seen on my face as I gawked at Pietro proposing to his sister, but that was quickly replaced by realization as the restaurant's, very attractive, manager and a few waiters gathered around the twins with big smiles.

Wanda covered her mouth with her hands, playing along and gave Pietro a hug. I clapped loudly and cheered with a bunch of other people in the restaurant. 

The hunky blond manager approached the newly "engaged" couple and congratulated them. He also told us that our meal was "on the house." The mischievous trio grinned and thanked him innocently and I couldn't help but snort.  

He glanced at me quickly and did a double take. "And who might this cutie pie be?" My face heated up as he looked at me up and down. "I'm um P-Peter?" 

Dang it, even after all these years I still can't talk to gorgeous guys with bowties. 

"Well Peter, did you enjoy your meal?" 

"I- uh I did." I swallowed thickly. 

I glanced down at his feet and noticed his cuffed jeans, that explains a bit. 

Wanda must have noticed my awkwardness and jumped into the conversation to thank the hunky dude once again and tell him that we're leaving. I stood up with the others and gathered my stuff. 

I was trailing behind the others when I felt something grab my arm. My spidey senses weren't tingling so that eased my mind a bit. Turning around, I looked up at the tall blond and hoped he was single.

"See you around baby boy," he said with a smug smirk, and handed me a napkin with a number on it. 

I flushed, grabbing the napkin and quickly scurried out of that place without another word. 

Hiding the napkin deep in my pocket, I skipped happily to the expensive car that Nat took without Mr. Stark's permission. The twins were cackling and Nat was just smirking evilly. 

What an interesting birthday.. 

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