Spideypool :)

643 11 1

Ship: Spideypool (kind of)

Type: Just a tiny bit of angst 

*Peter P.O.V*

I sobbed loudly into my pillow in May's apartment, as if it could bring my broken heart some comfort. May was at work so I have plenty of time to think about what happened.

I've been dating this guy named Harry for the past three months and I just don't think it's working out anymore. I mean he's really sweet when he wants to be, but then there are other times...

The thing that would annoy me the most is when he ignored me. Then there are a few moments when he'd belittle me or even mock me when I try to start a conversation with him. Despite ignoring and mistreating me, I actually liked him. I can be really dumb sometimes. 

I walked in on him with my ex MJ at his villa about an hour ago. I should've known though, he's been acting so distant lately and I don't think he likes me like before. 

My phone buzzed on my night stand, deciding to ignore it, I turned around in my bed. Maybe a quick nap would help ease my pain. 

I shut my eyes only to open them again once I heard my phone vibrate repeatedly. 

I sighed loudly, turned back around, and reached for my phone. I unlocked it to see that Wade called and texted me. That's weird, he never calls.

Wade, also known as Deadpool, occasionally meets up with me to patrol. We're good friends, but not to the point that we text casually. In fact, we barely talk when we aren't on patrol.

I opened his texts: (they are named according to how they named each other on their phones)


Wade Wilson😃:


I have bad news

Baby Boy😏💕👅😈💖:

Me too. 

Harry cheated on me :'(

Wade Wilson😃:

Oh. I have good news :) 

Baby Boy😏💕👅😈💖:


Wade Wilson😃:

I hit him with my car :)



I don't know if I should feel happy or sad. Or both?


I'm sorry this is extremely short and unedited. I literally forgot that I published this book and I wanted to write something quick and kind of funny before I get back to studying :P


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