Parley <3

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Ship: Parley (Peter Parker X Harley Keener)

Type: Fluff / Love at first sight

*Peter's Point of View*

I was working on a new prototype for my suit when I heard the elevator ding. I was nose deep in my work, and I didn't bother looking up.

Mr. Stark's voice echoed through the lab along with another unfamiliar voice.
Their laughter and conversation flew in one ear and out the other.

I swiped across the webbing options until i reached the ideal web, which i set as my default.

I continued working on my suit, indifferent to the people around me, until I heard Mr. Stark say my name.

I spun around, and was taken aback.

A pair of piercing blue eyes met my own dull browns.

I quickly removed the holograms behind me before he could glance at them, not wanting to expose my secret identity to this appealing stranger. Although, a microscopic part of me did kind of wanted to flex of my heroism for his attention.

"Peter this is Harley, the new intern i told you about. He'll be helping us around the lab." Mr. Stark explained with a hand on Harley's back.

This is the new intern?! I thought he was going to hire some middle aged man.

Harley kept his eyes fixed on me.

Suddenly, all my flaws felt like they were on display for him to see.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I replied, feeling my face burn.

Mr. Stark looked at him, then at me. Then, he looked back at him, and then back at me.

"Okay then," Mr. Stark started, awkwardly clearing his throat, "Harley you can start by organizing the files in my office."

He put his hand back on Harley's shoulder and gently guided him towards his office. Harley snapped out of his analysis and followed his lead.

I stayed in place, gawking.

What just happened?

Author's Note:


I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long
Life has been a pain is the arse.

I will try to update more often i promise.

On another note, thank you for the reads and votes ❤️ it truly means a lot guys


Ps. Sorry for the short chapter, i might make a part two but only if you want one

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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