Chapter 18. The Beginning of A Kept Woman

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Later that night after Kaitlyn had time to cool off, she sort of regretted going off on Taylor so badly. Perhaps she could have handled the situation with a little more class, but the man had her emotions in such a whirlwind. How dare he just come out and say he loved her. Where on earth had that come from? How was she supposed to believe it? For months he'd been fighting his attraction to her, he'd try to lay her off because of it, plus he'd started to ignore her and date other women and now he suddenly loved her? Was it all a game to him? She'd given him her body, but she'd be damn if she gave him her soul. A man like Taylor could destroy her if she allowed herself to love him in return. She could see herself falling hard for him, harder than any man she'd ever love and he would take her love and toss it out like trash once he lost interest in her, she just knew it, and doing so would kill her.

The next day she found a new work schedule on her table by the door. The days had been arranged where she only worked 8-5 and was on call during the evenings and nights. She also had the weekends completely off, no half days or anything! Two whole days to herself to do as she wanted, it seemed too good to be true! She knew she deserved the normal work regulations anyway, but she had signed a contract when she first met him saying she was available every single day. According to the new work schedule, she had today off before she started again tomorrow. If she had one more day off, she was not about to spend it cooped inside the mansion.

After taking a shower, finding something to eat, and getting dressed, she glanced in the mirror at her appearance smiled and left her apartment for an evening of adventure in the city. She bumped into Taylor as she was making her way down the hallway. He paused, looked at her state of dress, and raised an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?"

"Out," she told him.

"You only have on a tank top and skinny jeans, while I appreciate the fact that "my lady" looks like a very gorgeous model, you can't wear that outfit. It's rather cool outside, take a sweater to cover your shoulders or a jacket, please."

"Hold up, wait a minute...there are so many things wrong with that sentence I don't even know where to begin," Kaitlyn told him with her hands on her hip.

Taylor brown eyes darkened as they ran over her body. Kaitlyn could already feel her insides melting, he only had to look at her like that and she'd give him whatever he wanted. Damn, the man made her weak, not good at all. Hold it together girl, she thought.

"First of all, I am "not" your lady. Secondly, you can't boss me around because I have the day off. Third..." She didn't finish, he really didn't give her a chance. He pulled her against him and began to kiss her like a starving man. There was nothing she could do once she was in his arms and he seemed to know it. He picked her up and carried her to one of the rooms out of the hallway.

"You're damn sexy when you try to get bossy with me. How can I resist?" He mumbled against her ear as her hips straddled his thighs. He fell down on the couch with her and began kissing her neck.

Okay, this hadn't worked out as she planned. "Taylor...we...oh god that feels good...what was I saying? Oh yeah...we can't...ah to hell with it!"

An hour later...

"I can't believe that just happened," Kaitlyn mumbled breathlessly. Somehow, she'd ended up on the floor beneath Taylor who lay on top of her trying to catch his breath also.

"You have to admit the sex between us is phenomenal..." he whispered in her ear.

Kaitlyn blushed and pushed him off, watching as his big body fell to the side. He was right; the sex was beyond anything she'd ever experienced with a man. She could get addicted to this which could be so, very bad for her...

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