Chapter 23. Closure

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Kaitlyn couldn't believe it. There he was, the man who had almost ruined her entire life standing in front of her reflecting the same shocked expression she wore on her face. Her legs began to tremble, and she held on to Taylor's arm with a death grip as he continued to walk towards them.

"Taylor, please tell me that man in front of us is not my ex," she whispered to him.

Taylor glanced at her face which was quickly losing its rich mocha color he loved so much and frowned. "Be strong, Kaitlyn, I didn't bring you all this way for you to show weakness."

"You could have warned me and given me time to prepare!" Kaitlyn hissed at him. "I'm so angry at you. I'm not ready for this, Taylor..."

"Toughen up, my dear. If you don't face him now, you will never be able to get over what he did to you," Taylor whispered harshly right before he smiled at Raymond and his date.

So, he had finally got to meet the bastard face to face. The man was the same height as Kaitlyn causing Taylor to look down at him. He held back a snicker wondering what Kaitlyn had seen in the loser. He wore a goatee and had a shaved head. He seemed to be in shape, but he wasn't as intimidating as Kaitlyn had made him to be. Somehow, he'd expected more...

"Kaitlyn!" Raymond was the first to speak before any of them. "Is that you?"

Taylor looked at Kaitlyn and smiled proudly. She'd quickly gotten ahold of herself and stared back at Raymond with a confident smile he knew she wasn't feeling at the moment.

"Raymond? I don't believe it. What are you doing here? What a surprise!" she said in a pleasant voice.

"I could say the same about you! Look at you!" Raymond stared her up and down. "You've changed. You're...gorgeous and glowing."

"She is quite beautiful, isn't she? And I'm afraid I'm responsible for that glow. I just couldn't keep my hands off her on the way here, guilty!" Taylor wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

Kaitlyn blushed, but had to stop herself from laughing out loud at the incredulous look on Raymond's face.

"Wait...are you two together? Is that an engagement ring on your finger?" Raymond asked, his eyes nearly bulging out at the huge rock.

"Guilty again!" Taylor said a little too excitedly. "I'd be a fool not to keep this one. There is no one like her in the world, I feel sorry for anyone who'd let her get away."

Raymond stared at Taylor, looking highly uncomfortable. The woman beside him cleared her throat loudly. He turned to her as if he'd forgotten all about her. "Oh, this is my date, Angela Jenkins."

"Date, you mean your girlfriend?" Angela gave him an angry look.

"Of course, baby, I meant you were my date for the event," Raymond said quickly. "And the woman of my heart," he glanced sideways at Kaitlyn while he smiled at Angela who smiled back at him, pleased. "Angela, this is Taylor Braxton, the man who I hope will help us start our business together and Kaitlyn Anna, an old friend of mine."

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes wondering why she hadn't seen him for what he was truly was in the past. She supposed she had been too in love with him just like the young woman hanging on his arm. Raymond had a way about him that made insecure women feel ten feet high.

"Hello, Ms. Jenkins," she spoke to the woman and shook her hand. She was surprised he was dating another Black woman again and wondered what happened to the White girl she'd caught him cheating on her with.

"It seems you and my Raymond are close," Angela said looking at Kaitlyn through narrow eyes and giving her a fake smile.

"We have...history...together," Kaitlyn said noticing Raymond adjusting his tie nervously.

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