Chapter 19. Kept

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When Kaitlyn returned from a full day at the spa- courtesy of her very rich boss- she was so relaxed she could barely walk. In fact, she felt so good that nothing mattered anymore. So, what if her boss was determined to make her his love slave? After today, she pretty much would have agreed to anything he wanted. Luckily, he wasn't around to take advantage of her temporary new outlook on life. She had only a few snacks at the spa but was starving when she returned. She ate dinner forcing Richard to eat with her by literally grabbing the back of his jacket and pulling him back to the table when he tried to leave. The butler scolded her about her manners and told her he thought she was getting a little too comfortable with him but decided to stay and keep her company anyway. Richard told her Taylor was holding an international conference meeting at his office downtown.

"It's Sunday night, who works on Sunday night? The man doesn't even the need the money. If he wanted to, he could retire right now. He seriously needs a life," Kaitlyn said.

"Perhaps you will be the one to show him how to live," Richard told her.

Kaitlyn looked at the butler who was staring at her with a strange hope-like expression in his eyes. She frowned. "I'm just his personal assistant. I can't show him anything. Do you really think a person like me can change Taylor? He is the most difficult, demanding, and intimidating man I've ever known. He's very powerful and he knows it."

"That maybe true, Miss Anna, but I have already begun to see a positive change in the young master since you started working here. Before, he was always stoic, cold, and ruthless with how he handled people. He rarely ever smiled or laughed and when he did, it was only for show. I believe you are the first to actually make him feel something real...there is a warmth in him that I haven't seen since his parents died."

"I don't know," Kaitlyn said doubtfully.

"Continue to be who you are, Miss Anna," Richard smiled and patted her hand gently.

Kaitlyn stared at the butler. It was the first time he'd ever shown the slightest affection towards her. It scared her and made her ridiculously happy at the same time. The old man seemed to expect a lot from her without actually coming out to say it. Did he see her as Taylor's savior somehow? Damn, she hope not, she wasn't sure how her strange relationship with Taylor was going to turn out. It would probably end badly and Richard would be disappointed. The thought of disappointing the butler, someone she had come to see as a close friend, made her heart grow heavy. She didn't want to disappoint him.

Later that night, Kaitlyn sat in the study. She'd always wanted to read one of the many books Taylor kept on the shelves. Most of them were classics she'd never read before and was eager to enlighten herself. She had changed into comfortable sweats, put on thick socks, and covered her lap with a blanket. She didn't understand why the nights were so cold in San Francisco when it was still summer.

It was late when Taylor returned from his office. He noticed the light on in the study when he passed it during his nightly ritual of walking through the house. He had to make sure none of the maids were still lingering around. He'd once given the maids free liberty of the house and found out that a group of them had been living in one of his rooms for a month and no one had known, at least they claimed they hadn't known. It was a mistake he was sure not to make again. Reflections from flames in the fire place danced on the walls as he entered. Taylor could feel his temper rising, so they were trying this crap with him again? Would he have to fire the entire household staff and make Kaitlyn find new replacements? He stopped when he saw who was in the room.

Kaitlyn was lying on the couch asleep with a thick book opened on her chest. Her hair had been pulled back in a ponytail and the cover she placed over her had fallen half off on the floor. A glass of wine set on the table beside her. Taylor smiled. It was the first time she'd chosen to come in here on her own. Usually, after she finished her work for him, she ran straight towards her apartment and stayed locked in there until he called for her. This was a very good sigh that she was beginning to be comfortable around him. He wanted her to feel secure; he knew his personality made it hard for anyone to relax around him.

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