Chapter 21. The Leap

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Kaitlyn closed her eyes for a second. When she thought about it, she had nothing to lose and everything to gain. For once she hadn't given herself to a man to control every aspect of her life. With Taylor she had worked, earned her own money, had a huge savings account, finished the hours she needed to earn her degree, which was being sent to her by mail something she planned on surprising him with later, and she had experience. If this ended badly, she could still take care of herself, she could move out, rent her own apartment, get another job, and she wouldn't be homeless, hungry, or broke.

And if it did work out, she would be married to one of the biggest tycoons in California, not just San Francisco, not only that, but the man who had managed to steal her heart even as she fought him. He said she was his soul mate, deep inside she had known he was hers, but denied it because he had come in the midst of a very confusing and scary time for her. Like him, she had also been blinded by her circumstances and yet she had been helpless against her immediate attraction to him in which she had dismissed as a form of hero-worshipping, infatuation, and lust.

So, the question again persisted in her head, what did she have to lose? Let go of the past, allow yourself to be happy again. You did not come out a loser, but a winner, her conscious told her. She would be the biggest dummy in the world if she let the chance to experience true love pass her by and this man really did love her. He'd done more for her than anyone and now here he was, a powerful billionaire, on his knees in front of her submissively proposing to a woman that had nothing to give him, except her love.

What the hell was she waiting for?

"Yes," she finally said, her heart pounding with excitement at hearing her own words.

Taylor, who was halfway in the sand by now, stared up at her in disbelief. He had gone out of his way for this night, given everything he could give for her love and still he felt it hadn't been enough. Deep down, he had thought that no matter what he did, Kaitlyn would never open her heart to him because she'd been hurt too badly. In his own way, he had tried to heal it, to let her know that no matter what, he would always be here for her, she never had to worry about her life or be that person he met at the hotel. For months he'd watch her grow, evolve into a confident, beautiful woman any man would be proud to have next to him...forever.

"Did you hear me? I said yes! Why are you looking at me with that astounded look on your face as if you don't believe me? You're messing up a really perfect moment, Taylor..." Kaitlyn pretended to scold him, even though her heart melted when she saw his expression. "Taylor, do you not think you're worthy of me?" she asked softly, turning the same question on him he'd asked her once.

Taylor swallowed the huge lump in his throat. Damn. He was going to cry and embarrass himself and knowing Kaitlyn, she'd never let him live it down. And yet, he couldn't stop the tears that began to run down his face. He stood up and slipped the ring on her finger. "No, I'm not worthy of you, but I'll spend the rest of my life trying to prove it," he said emotionally.

"Oh God," Kaitlyn said as her own tears began to fill her eyes. "You really don't play fair!" She reached up, grabbed the sides of his face and brought him down for a deep, passionate kiss.

They kissed for a long while becoming lost in each other arms, each tenderly wiping away the other's tears and laughing softly. Taylor suddenly picked up Kaitlyn causing her to let out a surprised scream. He laughed and carried her back to the car. "You have made me the happiest man in the world, Kaitlyn. Life cannot get any better than this, except of course when you're walking down that aisle towards me. God, you're going to look so beautiful, I can see it now."

"Taylor..." Kaitlyn said blushing.

"And babies, we're going to have so many babies..."

"Well...wait a minute now..." Kaitlyn said.

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