Two Sides of the Same Coin

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I will....complete...Karashuu week.

2 Parter Mirror Verse story! (Well more like 4 Parter)

(Prompt Merger Day 1 & 5: Dreams & Cat)

Pt 4 of the One-shot series: That universe where Karma and Asano are brothers and everyone else suffers because of it.


"...Why do you have a cat?" Gakushuu frowned, watching from the doorway of his mother's house where Karma was on the large living room floor playing with a strange sparkly looking cat. "And why is it blue and sparkling?"

It wasn't often you saw a blue sparkling cat...that wasn't meant to be possible, but considering last year that had been a mutated octopus super teacher educating 3-E, anything was possible these days.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Karma looked up and grinned, stroking the cat behind the ears. "She was scratching on the window."

Gakushuu hesitantly approached, putting his school bag down. "You are aware it's blue and looks like it bathed in glitter, correct?"

The cat stared at him with bright piercing eyes, unnerving him a little.

Karma shrugged, ruffling the cat's belly. "Yeah, but who cares?"

"I'm not even surprised with you anymore." Gakushuu sighed. "You're sixteen and barely functioning to use your common sense."

His little brother shrugged, smiling like an idiot as he picked up the cat. "Yeah, well mom isn't back from her trip for a whole month." He carried the cat towards the kitchen while Gakushuu watched warily. "She won't even know."

"Somehow I think the cat hair will give it away," he replied dryly as the cat was set on the kitchen. "Where did it even come from?"

Karma shrugged, taking out a cat to the kitchen. "I don't know." He put the cat on the counter. "I'll take it to the vets to see if it's chipped." He grabbed a can of tuna from the cupboard.

Gakushuu frowned, eyeing the cat suspiciously as it stared at him intently. "What kind of person would even own a cat that looks like this?"

"A wizard?" Karma smirked, opening the can and then putting it in front of the cat. "The question you should be asking is why we don't have one?"

Gakushuu rolled his eyes, while the cat happily dug into the tuna. "Because it's ridiculous." He looked at the cat accusingly. "Its fur looks like it has glitter on it – why are you not asking any more questions?!"

Karma leaned on the counter. "I've seen weirder."

He sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "How are you even supposed to be a sane member of society?"

"By ruling it," his brother replied flippantly.

Gakushuu scoffed. "I highly doubt that." He crossed his arms while the cat stared at them. "Bureaucracy is overrated – capitalism is the real heart to power."

Karma scoffed. "More like bankruptcy." He smirked. "Give it ten years and you'll be working for me!"

Gakushuu narrowed his eyes. "Unlikely."

His little brother grinned. "You won't be saying that when I blackmail you for tax evasion." His smile grew. "Though, if you help me enslave dad, I might have you as my top minion above Terasaka!"

Gakushuu scowled. "We both know you'll be on my bankroll." He smiled sweetly, scratching the cat behind the ears when it nuzzled his hand. "Be good and I'll even pay for your college like a good brother."

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