The Perfect Life

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A/N: Oof, I was going to do this as a split pov but Asano took over so looks like this is a 4 parter.


It was around 5AM when he finally managed to score 100% in each one of the tests the alternate version of his father had set him.

"Well, done." His father praised, taking out a key to unlock the handcuffs which had caused a bruised ring to develop on his wrist. "I knew you could do it, son."

Gakushuu was too exhausted to speak, struggling to keep his head up, feeling dizzy.


He still needed to make sure Karma was okay.

The handcuffs were unlocked. "...I'm only doing this because of how important this is," the man wearing his father's face kept speaking. "Class E have caused so much disruption this year." He sighed, something twitching across his face. "... And you've been slipping all year, with the bet, Takebayashi, the pole toppling...we can't afford another failure, Asano."

Gakushuu had no idea what he was talking about, but just nodded along nevertheless, wanting to find his little brother and get as far away from here as possible.

"Son?" The man placed a hand on his cheek, making him flinch as he kept his gaze low. "Do you understand?"

"Yes," he croaked out, his mouth and throat were dry and his stomach grumbled from not having eaten or drunk for nearly twelve hours. "I...I understand... sir"

He needed to find Karma and quickly.

"Good." This version of his father smiled, stroking his head in some warped act of affection. "You can catch up on some sleep, then we can finish off your home study when I get back from teaching your classmates."

"...Homestudy?" Gakushuu felt cold, staring up at him in horror.

The man's brow furrowed. "Yes...I already left some study sheets and some tests on your desk. Make sure they're completed by the time I get back." He slipped the handcuffs and key in his pocket. "Your brother will be at school so you won't be disturbed."

"Right..." Gakushuu massaged his wrist. "Where...where is he?"

His brother had been dragged off for a 'timeout' session, but he had a horrible feeling that this man's idea of timeout wasn't sitting on a set of steps for a few hours.

The man checked his watch. "I think he's been in timeout long enough."

"Can I see him?" Gakushuu said a little too quickly and then added. "He seemed worried about me...I don't want him going to school angry."

"Hm." This version of his father frowned, but then shrugged. "Very well."

Gakushuu shakily stood up, but quickly grabbed a piece of loose paper when the man's back was turned and then quickly followed after him. They walked down the hall, the sun rising and casting a low light through the windows.

He quickly scribbled something on the paper before scrunching the paper in his hand as they went downstairs.

Gakushuu's stomach lurched when he saw this version of their father take out a key for a narrow looking door. "How long has he been in there?!"

That closet looked barely big enough to store a suitcase!

He didn't receive a verbal answer, instead, the door was opened and his little brother collapsed on the floor shivering.

"Karma?!" Gakushuu rushed over to the younger boy and gripped his shoulders while Karma stayed hunched over.

"Shuu?" Karma mumbled, large dark bags under his eyes when he looked up; his skin was clammy and he looked sick.

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