Best Friends (boyxgirl)

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I'm standing in the hallway, talking to some of my friends. They aren't really close to me, but they are friends. I'm wearing a single sleeve dress that ends roughly at my knees. It's a beautiful pinkish color. I'm wearing matching three inch heels and a white scarf. I curled my hair and pushed it back with my favorite white headband. I tried pretty hard to look good today. I guess. I keep getting compliments even though I dress like this nearly every day. Oh well. I guess people really are amazed by me. I don't really care. If people think I am pretty, so be it. If they think I am ugly, oh well. I don't care about everyone else's opinions. I only care about mine.

I look down the hallway at the sound of a commotion. What the hell is going on? I watch as two guys come around the corner chasing each other. One of them happens to be my best friend, David. What is he doing now? Can't he behave for one day. He's always getting yelled at. He never gets in serious trouble for he is loved by everyone. Even the teachers. Honestly I think the teachers like him more then the students. That's why he never gets in serious trouble.

I watch as he runs straight for me and lifts me up. "I have a Maddie! You can't hurt me!" he screams at his friend. I watch as his friend skids to a stop and looks at me. I smile at him and he beams. I know he has a crush on me, but I just don't like him like that. I can't help it. He ain't my type. Sadly. He's very nice and loveable, but we just don't click.

I know I probably sound cheesy, but I want to feel the connection before I get with a guy. I know a lot of people think it's a myth, but I've seen it happen. I'll wait until the day I feel that click to get with someone. I doubt they are in my school though. I don't like anyone in my school. Yes, a lot of people are nice, but there are still the jerks. I'm friends with a lot of people, but I only consider one person my real friend. My best friend. David.

I love David, but not in that way. It's frustrating that so many people think we are together or like each other. We aren't and we don't. We are just really close friends. I doubt he would ever like me. Yes, he is extremely handsome, but I just don't like him that way. Yes he might be the closest person to my "type," but I can't like him. He's so sweet and lovable. He would make the perfect husband and dad. He would be the guy to rub his wife's shoulders after a long day and rub her ankles when she's pregnant. He would be the best guy ever.

No! I can't like him. It would ruin our friendship. It would never work out. What is the point of even wishing to be with him? It does nothing to help. It will only give me useless hope. We will never be together. That's just false hope if I even wish to be with him. What's the point? There is none. That's why I can't like him. It'll just ruin our friendship. We can just keep it the way it is and everything will be fine. Will I have to go through him finding a girlfriend and falling in love and getting married? Yes, but I will still be his friend. There's a downside, but the pros outweigh the cons.

I would rather be his friend and go through the heartache than act on my feelings and lose him as my best friend. I would rather not have the latter. I'll just have to deal with the heartache and move on. I know I'll eventually meet a good guy worth my time, but until then I'm rolling single. I'm not going to lead anyone on then break their heart. I'm just not like that. I wouldn't want it to happen to me so I won't do it to someone else. It's not fair to break someone's heart. It hurts. It's not fun.

I lean back into David and look up at him. "What are you doing now?" I sigh. He smiles sheepishly at me. Oh, god. What did he do? "Nothing?" he asks more than says. "What did you do?" I ask sharply. "I was teasing him for being short," David says quickly. He knows I don't like him picking on people's sizes. He use to do it all the time for me. Until I got so mad that I scared him enough to get him to stop. "Why?" I ask, eyes narrowed up at him. "Because it's fun and I was bored," he says, shyly. I roll my eyes at him and smack him on the back of the head.

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