Goodbye California

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Wilbur and Connor were in the police car. Niki walked towards the police officer. "S-Sir" Niki stuttered. "Ma'am, you ok?" Niki said. "I-I need help, I am so horny" Niki said. The police officer grabbed her by the hips and licked his lips. 

"I can help you" The police officer said. Techno snuck behind them and knocked the police officer out, they fell to the floor. "Really, did you have to say horny" Techno said. "I couldn't think of anything else" Niki said. 

Techno opened the door to the car. "Let's get you out of here" Techno said. Connor and Wilbur got out. "I got the key" Niki said. She uncuffed them. "Let's get out of here now" Techno said. "Agree" Wilbur said. 

(1 week later) They were waiting in the airport. "We have 5 more minutes so we can wait" Philza said. "K" Wilbur said. "Wait" They heard someone say. They turned around and saw Quackity and Jsclatt. 

Quackity jumped on Wilbur and they both fell. "Please don't leave me" Quackity said. Wilbur blushed hard. "I already had someone that left me, I don't want another person to leave" Quackity said. Wilbur smiled. "You can come if you want" Wilbur said. 

Quackity smiled. "Yes" Quackity said. They both got up. Philza heard the lady say there destination. "We can get on the plane now" Philza said. "Thank goodness" Techno said. "Jsclatt, are you coming too" Connor said. 

"Unfortunately, no" Jsclatt said.  "Aw, that is a bummer" Quackity said. "So we won't be together" Connor said in a heart broken voice. Jsclatt hugged him. "I will write letters to you" Jsclatt said. "P-Promise" Connor said. "I promise on my life" Jsclatt said. 

Jsclatt kissed Connor and he kissed back. "Aw" Wilbur said. They broke the kiss. "We need to go or we will miss the fucking plane" Tommy said. "Goodbye, make sure to text me" Quackity said. "Ok" Jsclatt said. Philza, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Connor walked towards away. 

HEYA. What's up peoples. That will be it for Yandere (Wilbur x Quackity). I ran out of idea's. I wanted to delete it but I didn't. I finished it for you guys. Your welcome. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day!

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