Chapter 2

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Staring up at the ceiling all I can remember is the boy in the purple gloves from last night. I got off the bed and peered out the window, I decided to change the room a little as my aunt granted me permission to do. According to her, I need to make myself as comfortable as possible. Although I really don't want to as the arrangement is remarkable, I did it just to make her happy.

After that I sprang into action and get myself ready for the day. Being its my first time here after a long time, I wanted to make good use of my day as it was really sunny outside and it was officially my first day of school. I was a little tense as my father cross my mind so I went to take a shower first. Stepping into the shower the warm water melted some of the tension from my body and made me relax. Resting my head on the tiles I allowed the water to soothe my back muscles as it rolled down my skin.

It took me longer than usual to get ready. When I made it to the kitchen, Aunt Emma was bend over the stove pouring batter into a frying pan. Flipping the pancakes, I went ahead and set the table for my aunt. Just the smell of the food had my belly growling. After placing the last stack of pancakes on the table, I sat at dug into my food as I did not want to be late.

Our mornings back home went something similar. Mom would get up early to make breakfast and I'll help her out either by setting the table or making the tea for us. Dad would read his newspaper, occasionally looking at us and flashing us a smile.

"I know you are nervous Rosa," Aunt Emma bellowed, "but Chris and Adam are Seniors, too, and both of them will look out for you."

"Now hurry finish your breakfast, Aaron is going to drop you and the boys at school," mom said. "Don't want you late on your first day."

After breakfast my mom kissed my head and headed to her room complaining about a headache, when in reality I know she just want to be alone for a while. My aunt on the other hand gave us money and waved us out the house.

The community all looked the same as they all was lined with the same style of house. "Whatever you do try to keep your head down and stay out of trouble," Adam whispered to me after he glanced at me watching my facial expression changed as we neared the school. On the rest of the journey Chris gave me a crash course on everything about Dalton School, my new school.

 On the rest of the journey Chris gave me a crash course on everything about Dalton School, my new school

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Chris was halfway through a speech when Aaron's car pulled up outside the school gates. I climbed off with my cousins and made a beeline for the gates living my cousins baffled. I stepped forward , mid step in reaching the entrance when a noisy Audi A4 whizzed past me. It pulls up into a parking space I was standing in causing me to jump back in fear of my feet getting crush.

"Hey!" I shouted.

The boy open his car door briefly coming out and casting an eye at me. His black eyes narrowed, and i tried to hid the surprise on my face. It was the same boxer from last night , Jeon Jungkook, the boy with the purple gloves. Studying him, I realized that up close he has the manliest face I have ever seen.


I was lost for words for a second before I regained posture. 'I was walking where you just parked."

Cocking his head to the side he gave me a quick once over. "Next time make use of the side walk," he said sarcastically. Coming out of his car completely he shut the door and casually strides off.

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