Dabi Part 2

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                     (3rd POV)
You were sitting in your room when you decided to walk around the base. You walked around everywhere but didn't see anyone.

"They must be on a mission or something." You thought to yourself.

You walk over to the bar to see Kurogiri.

"Hey Kurogiri, I'm going to go out for a bit."

"Ok, see you when you get back miss Y/N."

You walk out the hideout and began walking toward the shopping areas. As you are walking you see a pet shop.

"Maybe getting a pet wouldn't be so bad. It does get lonely when I'm not being Shigaraki's therapist or cooking for the league." You thought as you walk in the pet store.

As you walk around the pet store when you see your F/P (favorite pet) with F/C fur.

"Aww, it's so cute." You said moving closer to the pet.

"Oh, I see you like what you see. This pet is very unique, but since no one wants to buy this one we keep lowering the price, but nothing." An employee said.

"I'll take it."

"Oh ok, your total will be $2.50.

You pay the employee and head back to the base with the pet in its cage. You open the door to the base, but no one is there.

"They still must be still out." You thought walking to your room.

You open the door to see Dabi looking through the drawers of the room, and reminder you didn't bring anything to the base but your clipboard and some papers that you would use for the patients in America.

"DABI, WHAT THE HELL!!" You said blushing.

"GghhAaaa!! Shit." He said getting scared and stopped to look at you.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Seeing if your a trader, like you don't help with any of the missions and you won't tell me your quirk. Also why do you have this?" He said holding up my clipboard with Shigaraki's update for his mental health.

"First I'm not a trader, second my quirk isn't useful for fighting, and lastly I'm Shigaraki's therapist and that's an update on his mental health."

"Well that still doesn't tell me what your quirk is."

You guys continue to argue back and forth until you hear A/S (animal sound) from the cage. You stop yelling and set the cage down, you look at the pet from the front of the cage.

"Shhh, it's ok, I'm sorry for yelling." You said in a calming voice to the pet.

"What is that?" Dabi said trying to look over your shoulder.

"It my F/P I got from the pet store today."

"It kinda cute, what's its name?." Dabi said putting his finger in the cage hole.

"P/N (pets name).

You open the cage door so the pet can get used to the room. You move away from the cage and go to sit on the bed.

"Are you doing anything anytime soon?" Dabi said already playing with P/N

"Well Shigaraki's therapy session doesn't start until a hour, so I got time, but I got a question."

"Go ahead."

"Why wouldn't you let me touch you?"

"Because I like my personal space?"

"Says the person who was snooping in my room." You said looking at him with an eyebrow rises.

"Whatever." He replied rolling his eyes.

                  (Y/N's POV)
An hour had passed and I was getting ready for Shigaraki's therapy. Dabi was still in my room playing with my pet. I walk over to Shigaraki's room to see him sitting on his bed waiting for me.

"How long do you have to keep giving me therapy?"

"Just until I know your fully recovered. Anyway how are you feeling today?"

"I'm ok, but still have nightmares but their not as bad as before."

"That's good. Do you think that you can focus more on the missions after these sessions?"

"Yeah actually, I have been feeling less stressed than before too."

"That's good too. Any questions?"


"Ok, we're done then."

"Wait, really that quick?"

"Yeah, you have recovered a lot for from our last sessions, with means that your sessions with me will be shorter that normal."

"Oh, ok."

I get up and walk back to my room, but when I open my door Dabi wasn't there.

"He must have left." I said to myself.

When I picked up F/P I can could see parts of Dabi's past just like with Shigaraki. His abusive relationship with him and his dad replayed as Dabi got older, up until he ran away and became a villain.

"Damn, he has had it ruff."

"Looks like a have a new client." I said smiling and skipping over to Dabi's room.

When I opened his door, he was laying on his bed sleeping.

"Perfect." I thought.

I grabbed a near by chair and sat next to his bed and clipboard in hand. When I shock him, he groaned and turned to me.

"wha-AHH." He said slightly jumping.

"Why the hell are you in my room." He groaned.

"Therapy." I said smiling then getting serious.

"No." He said turning back around in his bed.

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean, I don't need your stupid therapy."

"Well your trauma says you do, so we're doing this."

The process of him getting to admit his past to me, even thought I already what happened to him was long and most of the time it was just him telling me to get out of his room and to let him sleep to which I denied multiple times. Soon enough Dabi gave up and admitted what happened to him was real and really messed up his head.

"What in your mind thought that it was a good idea to run away and leave your siblings to the same fate that you were put through?"

"I wasn't thinking about that at the time. I was just tired of being in that house and being constantly abused by my father." After saying that he started to breakdown to the point where he wasn't even saying words.

"Hey, Hey it's ok, it ok just breath. I can take you somewhere to get rid of the anger you still have pent up inside."

"Ok, just let me sleep first. Wake me up in a few hours."


I get up from the chair that was next to Dabi's bed and left the room.

"That went better the expected." I thought walking back to my room.

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