Chapter 2

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Still at the party
Dejnay POV
We walked in an it smell like liquor an weed me an Maddie walk until we made it to the kitchen and got us a drank until our song came on * at the top* and we went out an we did  our shit as always then I felt somebody get behind me an I could tell somebody was behind Maddison because everybody was getting hype and saying yeah twins yeah yeah and I heard pop off an I'm gussing the twin that was behind me keep hitting ma ass an no cap that shit felt good an makeing me feel lit and stuff then the song was over and then I turned around an see the one an only ✨OMAR COOPER✨with a smirk on his face an his hand out for me to grab an while we was walking I turned around to see Sharife an Toto in a make out session an I laughed to myself me and Omar was talking " so I'm gussing your Dejnay" he said " yeah I am " I said trying hard not to blush " don't be shy around me " he said an we both laughed then we walked to a group of boys and some girls were on there lap an at the time Maddison an Sharife was there an holding Hands but back at the group I'm gussing they were all couples then we seen our old friends that we used to talk to but we stop talking because we all had got new phones and went to different high schools then ones we all realize we went up to each other an we laughed an stuff because we don't know how long it been but let me show you them

Still at the party Dejnay POV We walked in an it smell like liquor an weed me an Maddie walk until we made it to the kitchen and got us a drank until our song came on * at the top* and we went out an we did  our shit as always then I felt somebody...

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Idas boyfriend

DejuaneAvas boyfriend Age19

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Avas boyfriend

DejuaneAvas boyfriend Age19

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Just me and you Sharife and Omar Cooper Where stories live. Discover now