Chapter 11

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Okay so guys I didn't feel like searching for pictures but yeah.

Omar POV :
As everybody left and went to they own apartment it was just me and lil momma .
" aye ma come here" and all I hear is her be lazy and say " but I don't feel like getting up you come to me " (A/N y'all this be me fr 😭) " mmcht " I said as I walked in the room " count this money and lemme know if you need some more "

End of POV

Josh POV
So you might be asking why we telling the girls to caught the money is because it's like there us except female version we really love these girls and they know that we will put in time for them while we at the trap. And what we planing is

We planing to get them some matching chains and they goin come with us for the matching change but we are getting them rings like promise rings . And we getting them while they are shopping. " this is 1,500" " okay tomorrow is a big day so we goin to bed early we got some planed for y'all . Y'all can go do yall hair , nails , and go shopping together. " But bubba that's to much you need some money to. Amber said " you know I make my own money that's why I lead you to cooking, and cleaning but you know we clean so it's not that bad"  " Joshhhhhh that's not the point the point is that you given me all you money" Amber said as she was about to start crying " shh ,shh, shh come here what you crying for" " because you given me all this money and you made it on your own" " but listen I can make that back in 20 minutes in one day baby girl, you know what we goin watch tv a young nigga tired" I said wiping her tears as she laughed.

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