Sorbet and Gelato x Reader (gn)

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Fluffy dating HCs were requested on Tumblr

I think they are very intimidating and possibly really judgy of others

so you may want to have a think skin at first and not cower when they look at you.

talk to them first maybe share some gossip with them AND ONLY THEM that's how you gain their trust

they keep their secrets tight and so should you.

slowly they will open up to you and approach you

they both thought you were attractive from the get-go

Gelato was the first one to let it out that he was attracted to you and Sorbet agreed

so one day they were the only ones that were at the base alone along with you

that's when they invited you to cuddle up with them and they told you their feelings.

bashfully you would admit to liking them both back

the others would come back home to you three just basking in each other loving embraces...

they were a bit weirded out but they got used to it pretty quickly

after that day you found out that Gelato has a wicked sense of humor and can be quite loud

Sorbet is still rather quiet but he's more handsy

you all would be quite the affectionate

Gelato smiles a lot but it's mostly reserved for you, gelato, and a victim of torture.

sorbet doesn't seem to smile much but he can DANCE

obviously, their love language is touch and quality time but they don't hesitate to give little gifts

Gelato likes it if you play with his hair as he sits in between your legs his back to your chest

You all seem to travel as a group,

if one person gets up to go somewhere they all get up

The same goes for missions you three are always together

maybe y'all got separation anxiety maybe it's just the way things are but it's what it is.

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