Chapter 39

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"You know," Caleb's voice echoed against the cement walls, "This is something we'll all be laughing about in the future."

"Hardly." Lina curtly objected.

I sat up from my head-holding position, sighing. "This is bad."

"Oh really, Shirlock? Figure all that out on your own?" Hanna glared from the corner, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.

Anger seethed through me. "What's going to happen now?"

"We'll have one call each to whoever we want, and then wait until someone bails us out." Caleb explained the procedure like he had studied it, blinking nonchalantly at the floor.

"You explain that like it was a personal experience." I said cautiously and curiously.

"Because I've been in this situation before."

Clanging of keys suddenly appeared in front of us. We all looked up eargerly. We've been sitting in the holding cell for nearly an hour.

A police officer stood there with fumbling keys, opening the gate."You kids have one call each. Make it count-follow me."

I nearly laughed. We were foster kids; more than half of us didn't have anyone to call. Everyone but Caleb and I shook their head at the officer, signaling they did not need the phone. Just another reminder of our lovely lives.

I stood from the uncomfortable bench, following the police officer out of the stall. It felt good to not be behind bars.

I never thought I'd have to say that.

I was first at the phone. Sighing, I dialed a number.

"Hello?" Nathaniel's sleepy, confused voice answered the phone.


It was quite. "Lindsey..?"

"Hey." I said cautiously-not knowing how he'd react towards my first crime.

"What's this number you're calling from? And it's like four in the morning."

"Yeah." I said slowly. "The thing is-I'm in a holding cell."

"What?!" He yelled. I heard a bed springing in the background, and I could imagine him jumping up in alarm. "Why, the hell, would you be in a holding cell?"

"I might've committed a crime of graffiti." I winced guiltily. The police officer snorted nearby.

Nathaniel exhaled after a moment of silence. "How could you be so stupid? You're waiting for a court date, Linds. This could really hurt your chances."

I knew it could. I didn't say anything.

"Well..are you okay?" Nathaniel asked, his voice softening.

I rubbed my eyes, staring at my feet. "I think so. I'll be bailed out of here soon. I'm sorry I didn't text you back-I fell asleep."

He chuckled. "I don't care about that. I just care whether you're safe or not."

"I'm fine."

The officer pointed at his watch and I pursed my lips together. "I gotta go, Nathaniel. Someone else needs to use the phone."

He groaned. "Okay. I'll call you in the morning."

I nodded, more to myself than to Nathaniel's response, and hung up. Caleb stepped up the phone, dialing a number.

I stood behind him, watching him pause over a number, then sigh and place the phone on the hook.

Caleb looked at the officer. "I don't need it-I changed my mind."

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