Punk Rock Luke - Part 1

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Imagine: "Stop acting like that and loosen up a little Kathleen, you'll have fun tonight I swear." your best friend said as you two sat down at your usual lunch table. "I just don't feel like going to any parties tonight (Y/B/F/N)." you whisper yelled at her. "Don't be like that! Besides." she says as she smirks at you. "Luke will be there." As soon as you hear his name you start blushing profusely. "Shut up (Y/B/F/N)!" you tell at her as low as possible. "Speaking of the Devil." she says as you both turn and look at the door to see Luke Hemmings. The schools bad boy walk in. As soon as you see him you can't keep your eyes off him. You can't help but notice everything about him, the way his lip ring moves when he talks, or the way his blonde hair is perfectly set up, or even the fact that his butt looks really nice in those black skinny jeans. He sees you as soon as he walks in and winks at you. Did I forget to mention it's widely known that he has a thing for you. You see him start to walk in your direction and your best friend starts scrambling around your face and hair trying to make sure you look okay for the tall blond headed boy. "Hey (Y/B/F/N), Hey Kathleen." He says as he smiles that white toothy smile at you. You then wave at him and you notice you haven't said anything and are looking mighty dumb at the moment. "oh, oh hey Luke." You say as you mentally face palm yourself for looking like such a dweeb. Next thing you know one of Luke's friends Calum walks up and says they should ditch school because he doesn't want to take his Chemistry test next period. "Yeah, sure man." Luke says as he nods at Calum. "Hopefully I'll see you tonight at the party Kathleen." Luke says as he bites his lip and walks away winking at you. "Oh hell yes we're going Kathleen." Your best friend says as you both stare at his butt as he walks away. You then simile coming up with an idea in your head. "C'mon loser, we have some shopping to do" you say as you pull her out of her seat and start running out of school.

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