Chapter Four

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Jazzmine's P.O.V) I Was sitting at my desk, scrolling through tumblr when calum walks in.

"Hey. So, luke is kinda mad at you right now but he bought this for you. He asked me to give it to you." He says, handing me a box. I open it up, revealing a IPhone 5.

"Oh my god. Tell him i said thank you." i say, setting it down on my desk and turning to look at him.

"So, Jazzmine, Tell me more about yourself." he says, sitting on my bed. i look at him wierd, but nod and sit next to him.

"Uh..  My full name is Jazzmine Elizabeth Hemmings, I'm 17, I love to paint and draw, i love music, and i can play the giutar, piano, and drums. My favorite food is Pizza, i like to sleep, and i hate people that chew with their mouth open." I say.

"Uh huh. You are luke's sister alright." He says, turning to face me. A knock sounds at my door.

" Jazzmine? Can i come in?" It's luke.

"Uh.. Calum, you should go. Let luke in on your way out, please." i say, moting him to the door. he nods, opening the door and passing luke. Luke comes in, sitting by my bed.

"What was that?" He asks sternly.

"He just asked about me. Atleast he actually cares that much. Plus, he told me that you bought me a phone and you wanted him to bring it to me." I say placing more of my clothes in my dresser.

"What? I didn't buy you a phone. Oh my god. I'm gonna kill him" He says, jumping up and storming out of my room once again. What is with that guy and storming out of rooms? I grab the phone, seeing that he already set it up. It had a mint green background and the main social media apps on it. I decide to make a twitter. I open up twitter, making an account and giving myself the username @BandGeek and sign up.  I click home and decide to make a instagram aswell. I make my username the same as my twitter. I set the phone down, walking out of my room and going downstairs. When i reach the bottom of the stairs i overhear luke and calum talking. well, more yelling than yelling.

"You can't go out and by my sister a phone without my permission, calum!" Luke yells.

"What's so wrong with doing that!? Atleast i'm actually caring for her! She looked devastated when i went up there, luke. You yelled at her for no reason. I'm going to do stuff for her and i don't care what you say." Calum said back. I decide to turn the corner a bit, only to see luke grabbing calum by his shirt, throwing a puch to his face, making calum topple to the ground

"Stop! You're hurting him, luke! He didn't do anything!" i yell as i run to calums side.

"Seriously, Jazzmine? You are taking his side on this? What kind of sister are you?" Luke says, throwing his arms up dramaticlly. I take calum into my arms, helping him up.

"I'm a sister that cares about other people other than always having to listen to her brother." i say walking away with calum, leaving luke dumbfounded. I take him up to my room, setting him down on my bed and getting some cloth to place on his nose to try and stop the bleeding.

"I'm sorry, jazzmine. I shouldn't have fought back to luke. i- i just thought that you'd enjoy something like that." He says, leaning his head down, only to have me lift it back up.

"It's fine, Calum. Oh! The bleeding has stopped and thankfully it's not that swolen. We just need to put some anti-biotic ointment on it and it'll heal in no time." I say, rubbing some of the ointment on it.

"How do you know so much of this?" He asks, A wondering tone in his voice.

"I took health and doctoring in high school, so i know a thing or two."  I say going to the bathroom to wash my hands. I come back out, To see calum looking at my drawings.

"So, You actually hand drew these? That's amazing, Jazzmine." He says, holding up one of my recent drawings. It was a girl with a twist in her hair. The drawing that i am very proud of. I walk over to him, nodding my head.

"Yeah. I fully hand drew that. It took me about 3 hours. I'm proud of it. I wanted to go to collage doing art, but i dropped out of school in 8th grade, so i doubt i'm gonna be able to go to collage." I say Looking over his shoulder, staring at the picture. I advert my eyes from the picture to his eyes. He notices and i look away quickly.

"Jazzmine? Were you staring at me? If you were it's okay." he says lifting my head back up. I nod my head, looking into his eyes once again. We stand there for awhile, just staring into eachothers eyes, when he starts to lean in. I lean in too, And in a second our lips collide, sending a jolt through my veins that i never felt before. he turns his head, deeping the kiss. He take my face into his hands and i wrap my arms arounf his neck. after a few seconds we pull back to breathe, Him still holding my face.

"Whoa. What was that?" He says, dropping his hands and starting to pace around the room, pushing his hands through his hair.

"Calum, calm down. It was just a kiss. And, i liked it." I say shyly, looking at the floor. He stops pacing and comes over to me, forcing my head up and kissing me again. I stand there for a moment, shocked put kiss back in seconds. He pulls back, looking deeply into my eyes.

"I know you just got here Jazzmine, but i really, really like you. When you came down the stairs of the orphange, i thought you were so beautiful. I know it may be to soon and you might not feel the same way, But, will you be my girlfriend?"He asks, kepping ahold of my face. i slip out of his grip, trying my best not to look at the ground.

"Calum, i would love too and i feel the same way but, what about luke? he would kiss bpth me and you if we started dating." I say sadly.

"Screw luke.  I love you, jazzmine. And when i love something, i will do anything to get it. We don't have to tell luke. Can we try? Please?" He asks in a pleading tone. 

"Alright, calum. We'll hide it from luke. And, i love you too, calum." I say walking over to him and hugging him. he wraps his arms around me and it makes me feel some type of way. Warm, Protected, Safe.


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