- Disappearance -

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   You slowly walked up the crooked wood stairways of the wangshu inn. Wood creaking with every slight movement you made. In your hands, resided a plate of almond Tofu. Made for a special someone waiting for you at the balcony of the haunting stairway. You finally reached your destination, but no one was present. This was pretty normal, as an Adeptus, Xiao was incredibly Late all the time. He had work to do, after all, the life of an Adeptus is busy. He especially would be late to these little meetings you would have at night. His duty is to follow the contract of Rex Lapis. Protect the mortals from the demons of corruption. Defend them at all costs, to this, we dedicate our lives. Even though this was his duty, he would always miraculously find spare time to visit you. Always. He's never missed these. Not even once.
   Time slowly ticked by, with no sign of the Adeptus. Sorrow and sadness began to slowly inch into your chest, but you suppressed it. You thought he was probably just late, as it was absolutely possible for Xiao to have to deal with extra corrupted monsters.
You will soon realize, You couldn't be more wrong.
   As you waited, Hours passed. Nighttime now turned today. Midnight quickly turned into the sunrise. Your fears and worries grew astronomically. You tried your hardest to retain consciousness, but the tiring day had worn you out and you fell asleep. You didn't know if Xiao had actually visited but was too nice to wake you, or he didn't show up. Both of these thoughts made you instinctively stiffen.

The next day, you'd done the same thing. Once again, at night, you brought a fresh plate of almond Tofu to greet Xiao with. Desperately hoping that perhaps he was just busy, and show up like he's done so many times in the past. And Once again, you were met with empty deafening silence. You began to worry.
Xiao was never fond of mortals, so he seemed like had no interest in you at all. Whenever he spoke it sounded and felt like poison. You were always met with a cold gaze, sending shivers down your spine. But even so, you knew he didn't hate you. You knew he somewhat enjoyed your company. You could make out a faint smile under the moonlight every time he saw you energetically greet him at the balancing entrance. That was enough for you. His life was a never-ending obligation and never-ending suffering. You wanted to bring some happiness to his closed-off and lonely heart. Shine a light into his dark world. You knew he wouldn't up and Ghost you, he wasn't like that. At the very least, he would leave a letter, or tell you ahead of time. Though you doubt he went anywhere, you knew he was extremely lonely, nowhere to go, and so serious about his responsibility he doesn't even realize what his perpetual torture is doing to him. You knew something was wrong, and it was something big.
   You decided to wait a few more days before you took serious action. A few more days to test your patience. Every ounce of your being screamed to find him, but on the of chance he was just...busy... you would wait.

Only A few more days to wait if Xiao was truly in danger.


   Four days passed. You, now we're completely convinced. Something was terribly wrong, and you took immediate action.

2 years ago


   You were sitting side by side. Next to the infamous Adeptus Xiao. Basking in each other presence. Underneath the cool moonlight. Staring at the open, star-filled sky as the soft winds blew against your face. Your hair gently flew with the wind. Making you look as majestic as ever.
   You didn't notice, but Xiao was looking at you. Staring. With fascination or yearning, he did not know. He did not wish to know. But why did his heartache so? He did not know either. He didn't have a clue what this feeling was, nor did he wish to find out. From fear or disgust from the feeling, he also did not know. He just knew that this feeling was perhaps not a bad one. But he decided to not focus on that now. He wanted to enjoy the moment. All he wanted to do, for now, was staying with you. That's all he needed to be content.

~The Greatest Tabboo~ Xiao x (Fem)Reader { Short Story }Where stories live. Discover now