- Reminisce Of The Past -

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   Xiao had never expected to meet you. Nor expected you to stay. It was completely and truly unexpected. Your tone and friendliness never wavering, even when being in a dangerous situation. However, you were way more dangerous than you actually looked. Skilled in polearms and bows, you were the perfect weapon in combat. Able to combine your bow and spear, you can utilize your weapon to the most shocking extent. You can use the polearms normally, the bow as well. But you can combine the bow and the polearms, to make a 79 feet harpoon. Resourceful and smart, you were a "different" mortal to say the least. Practically a killing machine, you yourself also had a not-so-good childhood. Your parents abandoned you at a very young age, causing you to learn how to use a gun, and make weapons to survive. You still remembered the abandonment clear as day. 5:00 pm. The two of them were arguing and talking about things in the hallways before your mother yanked you by the collar and threw you into the snow. Your clothing did not match the winter season at the time, and you almost froze to death. Your father was able to open the locked door and save you, taking you away and sneaking you away from your toxic mother. But even till now, you were traumatized. And still are to a certain extent. Somehow you were able to keep your personality points up, and you quickly made friends throughout all of the nations. 3 so far. Monstatlde, Liyue, and Inazuma. You met new people all the time, but going away from Liyue was something you never knew you feared until you met the boy Adeptus.

   Tall and handsome standing at the edge of a balcony. His hair a brilliant bright green, his clothing a mixture of blue and green. A perfect blend to ambush and sneak in on enemies at the dead of night. Silently creeping up and ambushing the monsters one by one. Xiao protected Liyue in his own ways, in the background. He never wanted the spotlight even though he deserved it. He was the unspoken guardian that no one truly appreciated. Those who do would soon succumb to the laws of a human mortal. They all withered away, turning old and weak before burned, the ashes flying in the wind to be carried on into the next life.
   The first time this has ever happened, he was devastated. Sorrow and sadness had overwhelmed him beyond belief. Almost to the point of him wanting to take his own life so he could join his taken comrades and friends. But something in his mind told him to keep living, to find someone important. A person who would light the pathway of darkness in the light. He didn't know what he was waiting for. He didn't know why he did it either. Something in his mind just commanded for him to keep fighting. Whether the demons, the spirits, or the soul whispers of Xiao's friends, nothing matters. He was alive, and he didn't regret a single thing.
Never did.

He met you, a bright and light mortal. One who had helped many others break free from the invisible shackles that were holding them back. The people often talked fondly of you, for people knowing of the Favonious were widespread around Liyue. You had helped Kaeya forget and forgive more and more of his past trauma. Healing him. You applied this as well for Diiluc and Venti. All three have carried such huge weights. They drowned themselves in silence for the protection of others. But you noticed. You noticed the hurt and the broken. Especially the people in Inazuma. The ruler was overbearing, the people miserable under their leader's rule. Fights and arguments sparked a flame in the gasoline, fire-lit island, people of high ranks were alliances with the lower ranks as a way to take revenge.

Kazuha, a soldier who fights in the name of Ayaka, is forced to get his hands extremely bloody. He's had to kill so many he is numb to it all. Much like a certain green guardian we know. Though he is more of a sneaker, and will almost always Ambush monsters and people most of the time. Lifting you in a gust of wind, making a mini tornado to suck in the enemies for a short about of time. Executing them in the protection of the shadows of the forest.
His personality and family were all revolved around the ruler. Kazuha has no escape from the laws and orders given, he must take them at all costs. Wasting his life was an honor in the life of a soldier, fighting for the freedom of Inazuma. For Ayaka.
He would often use his tornado to drill a void into the ground, burying them. Trapped alone in the darkness as their screams soon silence. Finally ascending on from the mortal realm to another realm. You saw their pain, Ayaka's as well. And helped them.

Repaired them.

Rebuilt them.

   You helped so many, it was your joy of course. You loved helping others and saving them from their terrible fates. Nothing could ever compare your pain to their pain, and you hated when people would do that. You helped so many, it was instinct. In fact, your name was so widespread, strangers from far and wide would often seek help from you. They viewed you as a magical being, who could not only heal physical wounds but mental ones too. You were of course happy to help. Happy to serve. Happy to do everything they wanted. You will never forget the day, nor the feeling of wholesomeness for when you saw Kaeya genuinely smile and laugh for the first time. Not from drinks or sarcasm, nor was it from his personal carefully crafted mask. It was from him, down to earth, and from his core.
Your emotions and kindness really did work like magic.

Once you met Xiao, it was all over.

   It truly beat all odds, his cold Demeter never shook your kind and warm heart. Didn't even come close to touching it. You radiated so much love and warmth you were like the sun to him. The light that shined through his dark tormenting world. He knew this train of thought was dangerous. It could lead to horrible things. But as if you were controlling him, he couldn't resist. Even though the increased whispering and screaming of the spirits that inhabited his mind, he was unable to pull himself out of his life.
Soon, you were dragging him around everyone. Even showing him around Liyue during the daytime even though he knew it like the back of his hand. People would look at the two of you in awe, confused, and surprised that the Adeptus was out during daylight. He was the conquer demons by night, and simply Xiao the guardian it Liyue by day.  Though people did indeed still view him as the Adeptus Yaksha on the streets, he paid no heed to them. He was too busy being dragged around by you to pay attention to anything else. You of course made sure he was also slightly enjoying himself as well. Never force him to do anything he didn't want to, and gifting him things many times during the hangout. You wanted him to feel special again, a quality he lost during Liyue's major change.
Ganyu was half Adeptus, but also half-mortal. Incredibly smart and diligent, she was of great importance to the Liyue Qixing. But unfortunately, keeping Harmony and peace on the inside was nothing compared to the numerous demons Xiao had to exterminate. Facing the consequences afterward. Alone. Wanting for more death and slaughter, the corruption set in every time he used his most effective, and powerful skill. "Bane of all Evil" where Xiao would Dawn his treacherous mask. He gained power knowing the exchange of his own sanity, mind, and soul alike. Devouring him from the inside out, they tried to possess Xiao through constant abuse. Hoping one day his glass of a shield would finally crack. They would take their victory then. Using Xiao's powers for nothing but pure bloodthirsty Carnage.

   The only thing truly stopping their craziness from invading his mind completely was you?
Something that the voices, as you may have guessed, detested severely. They screeched louder and louder by day. Tormenting him worse than ever before. He was very close to being consumed many times and had to cut himself with his own weapon to silence the spirits. But they persisted. Insisting that if he didn't stop, the thing they were preventing from his soul was going to break free. Consume him worse than the spirits wailing demonic cries. They insisted on him to stop, leave the girl. Stay away from her. But he never complied.

One day, one of the people he has slaughter came up to him. A 1 on 1 talk, with no murderous intents. No corruption insight. It frightened him that they were so incredibly... In-hostile. Their eyes reflected fog, clouded over. Like something had almost taken over them a force much stronger than pain. Its eyes were whited out, like the blind. The clothes were ragged and broken, but also emitting a similar feeling that he had kept locked away from the beginning of his Yaksha Life.

"You never listen to us, don't you? Death is your salvation, love is your demise. We are too weak to hold back the forces. You are about to be punished with something far worse than torment. Goodbye Alatus"

Xiao thought it was all nonsense and was incredibly angered at the use of his original name. His previous self was dead, he killed it. He was Xiao. Now and forever.
Nothing was worse than perpetual torture at the hands of those you had slaughtered mercilessly. The ones who begged to be spared. Nothing could compare to the agony he has gone through. What could be worse than endless agony and pain?

Oh, how wrong he was.

Endless suffering was nothing compared to the torture he was soon destined to endure, the pain of unrequited love.

~The Greatest Tabboo~ Xiao x (Fem)Reader { Short Story }Where stories live. Discover now