- The Hanahaki -

446 16 13

   Once again you returned to your old routine. Bringing almond Tofu every night for Xiao to eat. Of course, he used to be there on the balcony, but now he eats it off the scene. Then places the plate back on the balcony for you to return it. You never questioned that day, never questioned anything. You respected Xiao, and if he wanted to keep his distance, even if out of nowhere, you respected it.

But Even though you respected it, you couldn't help the evil nagging voice in the back of your mind. Anxious and worry, a void in your mind. A small black hole, a mystery that couldn't be solved.

Unknown to you, Xiao would watch you from afar. Night by night, day by day. Noon by noon, Dawn by Dawn. Staring at you, watching, guarding. Protecting you from afar.
How much has he truly been tangled by your strands of life?

Xiao monitored you, as surprisingly, you were followed quite often. He didn't know why, but you were followed by men you had helped around Liyue, by even the Fatui agents sometimes. He didn't know the cause, but for some reason a fire would burn in his chest whenever he saw a man around you.

Then when night falls, and you have left the balcony, he silently and swiftly lands. He carefully takes the Tofu and eats it with his spoon. His green glistening in the moon as he stands.

The Bamboo Spoon.

This spoon is the one you gifted him a few years back. His name was carved by hand onto the side of it, masterful crystalflys were etched into the back, along with the handle having a few Jade syone parts in it.

You also make sure to give him a homemade breadsticks spoon each-time you delivered the almond tofu. Xiao often finds himself in awe of your personality. Slowly falling into the light.

As night falls, you would return back onto the balcony to collect the plate. You were very observative, noticing how Xiao had placed the plate back slightly spun in a specific direction, this showed you that he actually ate the Tofu, not the birds of Liyue.

For the next few months it would be like this. Lonely for sure, but you still respected him nonetheless. Days grew darker without him by your side. You wondered where he went. You wondered if he thought about you. Did he miss you? Even a little bit?

No... what are you thinking... He's an Adeptus.

You tried to snap yourself out of the fairytale trance, but something in your brain nagged at you like never before. Something told you that he wanted to be near you, but couldn't be near you because he was being forced. By someone or something, you didn't know. However, the burning in your heart told you to investigate, the void devouring you drove you back to the balcony the next day with new determination.

You wailed and called out to Xiao. Directly to the glistening bright sun, begging to the Archons.

"Xiao! Adeptus Xiao! Please!"



The last part all but a whisper as you finally broke in half, Collapsing onto the ground as you started crying. The fear of Not knowing if you were ever going to see him again finally consumed you.
Not knowing if he hated you, or even was alive at this point. You knew a person would have to have been the one to place the plate back, But you could have just been overthinking, your desperate mind trying to find any trace of Xiao.
Afterall, you hadn't gotten a wink of sleep for awhile. Constantly haunted by nightmares, with no one to keep them at Bay.

You were still crying, the bright sun drying your tears rather quickly. Beaming, the sun shimmered bright. It hurt your eyes. It hurt that this sunny day was spent wallowing in pain. If hurt that this sunny day was no sunny day at all, but a dressed up cloudy one.
As you began to slowly stand up, a petal floated down in front of you. The color was your favorite color, your eyes instantly lit up from intrigue. You looked up and saw an abnormally strong gust of wind that only lasted a few seconds.

~The Greatest Tabboo~ Xiao x (Fem)Reader { Short Story }Where stories live. Discover now