09 ||

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A/N: [IMPORTANT!] Books title was changed into 'Seeking' (Looking - Seeking) 

"Do you think he'll be fine, Fushiguro?" You queried Fushiguro, as both you and him looked for Kugisaki. "He better be fine." Fushiguro replied as he swiftly summoned his demon dogs.

"Demon Dogs"

Fushiguro clasps both his hands together, deploying and summoning his technique, the so-called demon dogs. "Find Kugisaki!" Fushiguro ordered, both you and him following behind the demon dog.


"Kugisaki!" You point your index towards Kugisaki, who has been found. She was in an upside-down position, her legs were grabbed together by the curse in front of her, clearly by the looks of it; the curse was ready to devour her that instant.

"Fushiguro!" You looked over to Fushiguro, intensely watching him summon more of his techniques. This time it wasn't his demon dogs, it was some 'Toads?'

The technique Fushiguro had summoned, immediately deployed and swiftly let out it's massive length of tongue to snatch Kugisaki away from the curses grasp.

As soon as the technique of Fushiguro's promptly took a hold of Kugisaki, Kugisaki was pulled away from the grasp of the curse and was placed safely inside the technique.

Well...more like, inside the toad"s mouth.

"I hate frogs, you know." Kugisaki said blunty, not even leaving on some greetings nor thanks. "Yeah, well, sorry!" Fushiguro yelled, a bit dissatisfied by what she had to say.

You knowingly, you hate wasting time, so promptly, a deadpan expression was plastered upon your face. You bring your hand up slowly. "Be thankful we took some time to find you!" You then hit and nudge her on the top of her head, smacking it really hard whereas brink of tears would start flowing out from her eyes.

"Agh- T-thanks!" Kugisaki managed to utter out a thanks for an apology as well. Pride wouldn't always get into her once it's you, after all, you were friends to begin with.

Hearing her gratitude, you of course, gave her a smile.

However, deep inside you sure has always been the opposite.

'It would be highly appreciated if you never wasted my time from the very start.' Was what you wanted to tell her right there, and right now in front of her face.

That smile you always had on your face? Don't make yourself laugh. Behind that smile you always had kept on, lurking inside was just a lost, desperate little you.

Truth be told, you weren't like Itadori, who always smiles or thinks positive. Throughout your journey you tried to act like him. Obviously, you wanted to seem kind and all since you're seeing him once again. You didn't want him to have a bad impression of you. You wanted him to take notice of you in a good way, because he was your friend.

However, not only was that a reason why you'd try to be more like him. You continued to smiled, you act kind and you even tried to save people from curses just like what Itadori would do. Because maybe if you'd be a little bit more like him, you might just get an inch closer to what you're seeking for. And for sure, you are.

And now that you're close to finding what you seek for, all you need is enough time.

"There's the exit!" You point towards the exit, showing Fushiguro the way out. "Hang in there, Kugisaki! You say, as you three of you head towards the near exit awaiting in front of you. 'Igichi-san is right there!' You and Fushiguro rush out towards the way out together with the injured Kugisaki.

"Igichi-san!" You wave your hand towards Igichi as all three of you get out of the cursed building, panting and sweating.

As you safely got out the cursed building, you wipe the tickly warm sweat rolling down your forehead and neck, still panting out of the solemn tiredness. "That was close..." You mutter under your shaky warm breath, breathing in and out calmly.

"Will Kugisaki be alright, Igichi-san?" You asked, a worrisome voice querining throughout your tone. "She'll be fine. I'll just need take her to the hospital." Igichi stated, his reassuring tone easing both worried faces plastered upon you and Fushiguro's face. A sigh escaped both worried you and Fushiguro.

"Itadori!" Fushiguro's eyes widened, eyelids jolting up quickly for remembering Itadori was still inside the cursed building, fighting the special-grade curse by himself. "Fushiguro, the signal!" You remind Fushiguro about the plan and signal for Itadori.

Fushiguro quickly summoned his demon dogs once more, ordering them to howl a signal for Itadori.



Yet once again, another breathy sigh escaped your lips. Calm and ease flowing through you. 'Hopefully Itadori comes back safe...' A hopeful thought flew past through your head.

Sure. Hopefully he'll come come back.


"Please expand the evacuation area to ten kilometers." Igichi asked Fushiguro a favor through the car window. "What about you?" Igichi added. "I'm waiting here for Itadori to return." Fushiguro replied. "I see."

"After I take Kugisaki-san to the hospital , I'll return as quickly as possible." Igichi volunteered. Fushiguro shut his eyes close and looked to the side. "No...there's no point in you staying here though." Fushiguro bluntly stated, a bit saddened by what he himself had said.

All Igichi could do was to keep quiet and look forward towards to empty road, his sweat dropping a tad bit. "If you want to help us out with something, please request them to send over a sorcerer grade 1 or higher." Fushiguro said, looking back towards Igichi.

"Not that I imagine any are around." Fushiguro added, straightening up his bending form and crossing his arms over together on his chest, keeping them nicely kept. "I'll do what I can." Igichi shut his eyelids close in a nodding manner.

"[L/n], you're going with Kugisaki." Fushiguro faced over to you, a slightly stern look on his face could be seen.

"But what if I told you I wanted to stay and wait for Itadori?" You say, putting both of your hands on your waist, refusing to let Fushiguro handle the situation by himself. "Don't be stubborn and get in the car." Fushiguro instructed, an even more stern look on his face was revealed.

Fushiguro opened the front seat door of the car and starts to nudge your shoulder, simply telling you that you should get in the car already. "Get inside and sit." Fushiguro instructed.

"No." You say, your hands still placed on your waist. "Get inside the car. Now." He instructed once more. Well, sadly for Fushiguro; stubborn little you doesn't wanna get in. "No."

A sigh escapes Fushiguro.

"Please." Fushiguro said, as he looks right at you. His face expression calm as always.

You look over Fushiguro who had just said 'please' and looked at him for a second or two.

"No. <3"

You did a heart pose and continued to look at Fushiguro.

Another sigh escaped his lips. Poor Fushiguro.

"Just kidding!" You burst out laughing. Unknowingly, a smile crept up onto your face."Yeah, yeah, I'll get in." You looked at Fushiguro, tiny bits of laugh and chuckles coming out of your lips.

Tiny little wrinkles, wrinkling on your face as you smile at him. "Itadori better come back, 'kay?" You told Fushiguro, more tiny laughs and chuckles still pouring out from your lips as you get in the car seat beside Igichi.

"See ya!" You say, the same usual smile you have plastered upon your face as you bid Fushiguro goodbye with a small wave.

|END OF 09|

Seeking | Itadori Yuji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now