04 || Pills

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"Most people?" Itadori asked. "You know, you've asked me a ton of questions already, but why did you come here to Jujutsu Tech?" Itadori queried, curiosity taking over him. Silence took over the whole building.

"Why? Why you ask?" Kugisaki's eyes were filled with dissatisfaction. "...Because I hate the countryside, and I really wanted to live in Tokyo!" Kugisaki said, yelling and pointing her finger to herself. Itadori's jaw dropped, hard.

Itadori had just seriously heard such unnecessary and useless explanation, because of that, Itadori ended up not being able to move a single joint. He stood there frozen out of dissapointment. Both you and the boy just watched the both of them.

"This was the one and only way I could move to the city without having to worry about money!" Kugisaki sandwiched her hands together and tilted her head while giving off some 'please-pity-me' eyes. "Can you really risk your life over that?" Itadori asked, his eyes still slightly disappointed.

"I can." Kugiskai said swiftly as Itadori's eyes widened. "After all, it means being true to myself anyways." Kugisaki looked at Itadori and smiled. Your eyes widened at her statement.

'Kugisaki...' You looked at her with a gentle smile plastered on your face. "If I had stayed in that village any longer, I would have been good as dead." Kugisaki stated her own fact and brought her hand to the boy's head.

"So as far as that goes, I'm absoutely grateful to you too." Kugisaki said, patting the boy's head gently. "There wouldn't have been a bright future if I died or if I had been the only one to survive." Kugisaki faced Itadori.

"Thanks." Kugisaki smiled brightly at Itadori with her eyes closed. It was an overwhelming view. It was nice. Itadori liked it. "Well, having a more serious reason doesn't always mean anyone are better than the rest." Itadori said, his cheeks tinted with a slight color of pink.

You looked back and forth from Itadori to Kugisaki, as you did, you're heart stung and sank like a bullet piercing your heart, in the same time, it felt as if your heart itself drowned in water heavily.

'Agh...' You mentally winced in pain. 'What's this? It doesn't hurt like this normally.' You thought. 'I guess the pills are running out of time. I need to take my pills again. ' You mentally noted yourself and shrugged off your first thought as you continued to smile at both Itadori and Kugisaki's sight. But boy, did it feel wrong.

"Heh!" Kugisaki stopped in her tracks."Okay, I've given you my thanks now, so it's all over!" Kugiskai said, spreading her arms and legs, bending a bit while ranting. "We're even now." Kugisaki laughed evilly, while giving off a creepy and goofy smile. "What's wrong with her?" Itadori's sweat dropped.


You all started heading out of the abandoned building. Kugisaki headed out first, then next Itadori went out together with the boy, you on the other hand, stayed just right where you were.

'I didn't even do a single thing.' You thought, eyes stinging slightly. "I really am useless, aren't I?" You chuckled to yourself. You glanced outside the window, looking over to where Gojo and Fushiguro were at. Gojo and Fushiguro went to see off the child go back to his residence, while Itadori and Kugisaki were sitting at some staircase which was outside of the abandoned building.

You just merely observed the outside while you stayed inside. The child started bidding farewell and waving goodbye to Gojo and Fushiguro. The child then ran home until he has been out of sight, then both Fusiguro and Gojo went to where both Kugisaki and Itadori were.

"Good job!" Gojo sensei's voice could be heard all the way inside the abandoned building. "We made sure the kid got home." Gojo waved his hands at Kugisaki and Itadori. As Gojo got closer to both Itadori and Kugisaki, both of them stood up away from the staircase and they even got both of they're hands bailed in fists. Ready to hit Gojo in the face. "Now shall we grab some food?" Gojo quried, showing Itadori and Kugisaki a dashing smile of supermacy.

"Steak!" Itadori yelled.

"Sushi!" Kugisaki yelled.

"Leave it all to me!" Gojo considered yelling even louder together with them. "But first, where's [L/n]?" Gojo asked, looking left and right. All three, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, and Itadori looked left and right as well. "Huh?! Where did [L/n] go?!" Kugisaki queried, an expression full of worry was seen.

Fushiguro took his phone out and used it, he then spoke. "You both must have left her inside the building." Fushiguro stated, which was half true. You stopped looking outside the window and started walking.

'They're looking for me so I guess I should start to head out now.' You thought, walking down the staircase. As you passed by a few rooms of the abandoned building, you decided to head into a few rooms to look for the one thing you've always been yearning to looking for.

You spectated and peeked through rooms you would pass by, while heading towards the exit, so Gojo and the rest wouldn't wait for too long.


'Dammit, It's not here.' You sighed to yourself as you went outside the abandoned building and went to where Gojo and the rest were at.

"Ah! There's [L/n]!" Gojo exclaimed. "Did you get lost [L/n]?!" Kugisaki queried, worriedly. "Yeah." You lied. You lied and chuckled awkwardly as you stood beside Fushiguro. "Anyways, since [L/n]'s here, shall we grab some food?" Gojo sensei asked the same question as he faced Kugiskai and Itadori with a rather devilish smile plastered on his face.

"Steak!" Itadori yelled again.

"Sushi!" Kugisaki yelled again.

"Leave it all to me!" Gojo sensei yelled the same phrase as he did a while ago while bringing both of his hands up into a thumbs up.

"And you, [L/n] and Megumi?" Gojo asked, pointing at both you and Fushiguro. You simply kept a smile plastered on your face, while Fushiguro was scrolling on his phone not even giving Gojo a single glance. "Huh?" Gojo  took a tad bit of a peek on Fushiguro.

"Okay, let's go." Gojo ignored Fushiguro and left together with Kugisaki and Itadori. "Uh?!" Fushiguro stopped looking at his phone and was now looking at Gojo who was together with Kugisaki and Itadori. "Fushiguro, let's go." You smiled at Fushiguro.

Suddenly, to Fushiguro's e unexpected presumptions: you grabbed onto Fushiguro's arm and pulled him gently as you started waking, making him walk as well. You kept pulling him, until both you and Fushiguro were now walking side by side, following behind Gojo and the rest.


"Oh, I forgot about my huge haul of the day." Kugisaki muttered to herself. "Hey, you! Go fetch my things." Kugisaki told Itadori. "Huh? Why should I be the one to do it? I thought we were even." Itadori queried. "Hey, we won thanks to my cursed energy. Do you have a problem with that?" Kugisaki stated, feeling confident. "What about my raw strength?" Itadori spoke back.

"You're monstrous powers from eating weird shit?" Kugisaki said. "It's not just that!" Itadori pointed behind Kugisaki's back. "Right, Fushiguro?" Itadori looked over behind where both you and Fushiguro were at.

"Huh? Why is [L/n] gripping your arm?" Itadori pointed at your hand that's been holding Fushiguro's arm the whole time. "Ah! You're right!" You swiftly released your grip away from Fushiguro's arm and awkwardly laughed it all off. 'I forgot that I was gripping his arm the whole time...how embarrassing for me.' You thought to yourself as you continued to walk beside a slightly pink cheeked Fushiguro.

But Fushiguro quickly shrugged it all off, getting back to his normal, calm and composed persona as you all still kept waking. However, Itadori stared at Fushiguro and knew something was off, and that Fushiguro seemed quite upset. "What's the matter Fushiguro?" Itadori queried. "Nothing." Fushiguro replied, his gaze at the side.

"He's pouting because he didn't get to join in." Gojo stated, smiling. "What a child." Kugisaki said, her fingers on her mouth and her eyes filled with pity. "Tch." Fushiguro managed to mutter a 'tch'.

Itadori couldn't help but to laugh wholeheartedly.

And you were just there. You were just walking beside Fushiguro, smiling at the laughing sight of Itadori.

|END OF 04|

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