The Lodger

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Aickman Road

The tardis lands and Andrew pops his head out with rose "No, Amy,Beth, raven and Rebecca it's definitely not the fifth moon of Cindie Colesta. I think I can see a Ryman's" "Amy, raven, Beth, Rebecca "rose said as her and Andrew her thrown out the tardis"Doctor? It's saying we're on Earth. Essex, Colchester"" Doctor? It's taking off again. Doctor, can you hear us rose where are you " Beth said as they look around but they both had gone" Amy, Rebecca, raven, Beth ". 

One day later

A man is walking down the path past the house when he heard a voice "Hello? Hello, please? Hello? I need your help. There's been an accident. Please, help me " "Hello" Steven said walking in "Please, will you help me" "Help you? What's wrong" he asked what happened "Something terrible's happened. Please help me" "Craig, what's that on the ceiling" Sophie said looking at the ceiling "What's what on the ceiling" "That. It's coming from upstairs Who lives up there again" she asked who lived up there "Just some bloke.So what's the plan tonight? Pizza, booze, telly," "Yeah, pizza, booze, telly. What is he doing up there? You put the advert up yet" she said as she heard a bang "Yeah, did it today, paper shop window. One furnished room available immediately, shared kitchen, bathroom, with twenty seven year old male, non-smoker, four hundred pound pcm, per calendar month, suit young professional" "Mmm, sounds ideal. That's your mission in life, Craig. Find me a man"she said as her phone goes off" Yeah , otherwise you'll have to settle for me"" You'll have to settle for me first Oh, Melina again. What? Right. Yeah, but I've kind of got plans. No, it's nothing important, it's just Craig" she said as she frowned "Oh, thanks, Soph""Sorry. You know what I mean. Okay, I'll talk to Craig. Okay. Now she's having a Dylan crisis on top of the Clare crisis. It could be another all-nighter. I'm sorry, but I really should go. Do you mind if I go" she said as she had to go"No, not at all. No, honestly. Course not. Go""Because I could stay" she wanted to stay "No, go on."" I mean, we've got plans"she smiled "Just pizza""Yeah , it's just pizza. Okay, right, I'm going" she said as she goes to the door "All right, then. Well, er, I'll see you soon"" Yeah" she smiled "All right. And give me a call, and  hope everything's okay " "Thanks, sorry." she goes out the door and sighed she then walked out the front door "Just tell her. Just tell her. I love you. I love you. Oh, just. Hey, I don't know if you knew. Oh Every time. I love you. I love you.I love you. I love you. I love you""Well, that's good, because we your new lodgers Do you know, this is going to be easier than I expected"and it goes into the theam tune. 

The tardis flys through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show. And the title and then we arrive back outside Craig's House "But I only put the advert up today. I didn't put my address""Well, aren't you lucky we  came along? More lucky than you know. Less of a young professional, more of an ancient amateur, but frankly I'm an absolute dream" andrew said as rose smiled "plus I'm his wife and I'm fantastic to live with" "and gorgoes" Andrew added as rose blushed "thanks hon"Hang on a minute, you two  I don't know if I want you both staying. And give me back those keys. You can't have those""Yes, quite right. Have some rent. That's probably quite a lot, isn't it? Looks like a lot. Is it a lot? I can never tell Don't spend it all on sweets, unless you like sweets. I like sweets. Ooo. That's how we greet each other nowadays, isn't it? I'm the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don't know why. I call me the Doctor, too. Still don't know why " Andrew said as he gave him the money went in the house with rose as they turn to him rose shock Craig's hand" I'm rose the doctor wife but you can call him andrew I do "" Craig Owens. The Doctor and rose "Craig said confused" Yep. Who lives upstairs"" Just some bloke" he replied "What's he look like" "Normal. He's very quiet.Usually. Sorry, who are you both again? Hello Excuse me" he said following them "Ah. I suppose that's dry rot" "Or damp. Or mildew" rose wonder looking at it" Or none of the above "" I'll get someone to fix it" Craig said "No, I'll fix it. I'm good at fixing rot. Call me the Rotmeister. No, I'm the Doctor, don't call me the Rotmeister. This is the most beautiful parlour I have ever seen. You're obviously a man of impeccable taste. I can stay, Craig, can't I? Say I can"" You haven't even seen the room" he said "The room" "Your room"he said as rose flirts" our room"" Oh, yes. Our room. Our room . Take me to our room" Andrew said as he smiled in a flirty way to rose as they follow Craig to the bedroom "Yeah, this is Mark's old room. He owns the place. Moved out about a month ago. This uncle he'd never even heard of died and left a load of money in the will""How very convenient. This'll do just right. In fact"they hear a bang "No time to lose. I'll take it. Ah you'll want to see my credentials. There.National Insurance number. NHS number. References"" Is that a reference from the Archbishop of Canterbury" Craig wonder "we  his special favourite. Are you hungry?""I'm hungry" rose said holding his hand "I haven't got anything in" "You've got everything we need for an omelette fines herbes, pour deux" andrew said making something as rose looked at the fridge "So, who's the girl on the fridge she seams nice""My friend. Sophie" Craig replied "Girlfriend" "or lover" rose added "A friend who is a girl. There's nothing going on.""Oh, that's completely normal. Works for me" Andrew said smiling "We met at work about a year ago, at the call center" "Oh really, a communications exchange? That could be handy" rose said helping Andrew "Firm's going down though. The bosses are using a totally rubbish business model. I know what they should do. I got a plan all worked out. But I'm just a phone drone, I can't go running in saying I know best. Why am I telling you both this? I don't even know you two ""Well, we have  got one of those faces. People never stop blurting out their plans while we  around" rose said as Andrew larght "Right. Where's your stuff" "Oh, don't worry, it'll materialise. If all goes to plan" Andrew said as the tardis tried to land back where it started but it would not do it "Come on, which one? Which one? No. Why won't you land" "this is not good" raven said as they try and help. 

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