Damn the consequences

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Morgana: Say what you like about the food but you can't beat our feast for entertainment.

Arthur: Morgana, I'm sorry I should have made sure you were alright.

Morgana: Disappointed actually. I was looking forward to clumping a couple around the head with a ladle.

Arthur: I'm sure the guards could have handled Bayard and his men.

Morgana: Yeah, but why let the boys have all the fun?

Arthur: Morgana you shouldn't get involved. It's dangerous.

Morgana: Spare me the lecture, I've already had it from Uther.

Arthur: If it's any consolation, you weren't the only one.

Morgana: Not that I listen to him. Sometimes you've gotta do what you think is right and damn the consequences.

Arthur: You think I should go?

Morgana: It doesn't matter what I think.

Arthur: If I don't make it back, who will be the next King of Camelot? There's more than just my life at stake!

Morgana: And what kind of king would Camelot want? One that would save a life of a lonely servant? (Picks up sword off the table) Or one who does what his father tells him to? (Hands him the sword.)

I miss good Morgana 🥺

Series 1 Episode 4 - The Poisoned Chalice

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