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11 - realizing

Hiccup's POV

"Aahhh that hurts! Staph!" Snotlout flinched as a nurse pressed an ice to his bruise

Wondering why? Fishlegs, tuffnut, ruffnut and snotlout was attacked by astrid because of the elevator incident

"You guys should've not did that....." I said arms crossed

They look at me with a pout

"But we're just trying to help!" Tuffnut whined

"Yeah!! And now the both of you are okay!!! Ow....oww... My nose.." Fishlegs rubbed his nose

"I think we should have waited patiently for everything to come naturally guys...look... Now they're awkward..." Ruffnut pouted

All of them nodded dramatically

"I'm naturally awkward ruff...."

"Good point! Good point!" Tuffnut laughed before crying in pain

"Well atleast she didn't killed you all" I laughed nervously

They again nodded dramatically

Astrid's POV

"Stupid,stupid,stupid,STUPID" I kept mumbling as my face were buried on my pillow

That's the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me!! Geez.... They really deserve those punishment! Yeah good for them

My phone rang making me raise my head to look at my phone to see elsa's picture showing up on the screen

I answered

"Hey astrid! I heard about you almost killing your friends....what just happened?" She asked worriedly

"Don't. Remind. Me" I warned

There was alot of sounds on the background

"Ahah! Who's that you're talking to in the phone?" Obviously it was anna

"Its not your business anna! Now do your homework!!" Wow elsa isn't that strict after all *sarcasm*

"Geez.... I hate math....... Wait a second...... I know who you are talking to!! It must be ja-"

"Shut up!!!!! OkayGottaGoBye!!!!!"


I dropped my phone beside me and went back to my pillow business

Lets just pretend that my life is about a girl... Who haven't met her parents.... Was hit by a car.... Dead on arrival.... The end. Happy ending... I know.... I would make such an aspiring author yay *sarcasm*

But seriously... I meant everything about forgiving that weirdo, I mean... It wouldn't hurt.... Lets just hope that he won't leave again

Well... Someday He would really leave.... Natural process of life... No not the leave like you know... Die, but leave.... Go back to Scotland, be with his girlfriend, get married, yay happy ending.

Then why did I got that mad at him when he left? Two words guys..... He promised. And duhh... I was alone those times, Hiccup is my only friend, I haven't met ruffnut and elsa that time, all kids in the orphanage hates me, they think I would become a psycho....well I would never....

And........... Yeah.... The others still deserve those painful injuries, i have nothing to say about that.... Not guilty at all

I closed my eyes and let my self fall asleep

"Aaaasssssttrriiiiiiiiiiiddd~" someone called with a singing voice

I knew it was aunt bertha

I groaned "what now?!" I covered my face with a pillow

"Guess what I just found!!" She said


"Your old box!!"

I quickly raised my head looking at her holding my old hanky box

My eyes widen "h-how?!"

"Well... I found leyah..."


"Yeah.... And she kept this with her..... She really wanted to say sorry to you.... Well... She felt bad making your life miserable..." She said putting the box down on the side table

"I hope this box brightens up your day..." She smiled and left my room

I looked at the box.

I rested it on my lap and opened the cover to see the hankies, a smile was formed on my face as I felt it's soft fabrics. The smell of strawberries are still on them

I knew these hankies are still effective

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