What are friends for

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12 - what are friends for

Astrid's POV

I woke up from the sun shinning to my window, its already morning.... Thats funny.. I must have fell asleep last night

I looked at my clock. Damn it!! I'm late!!!

I quickly jumped out off my bed... Unfortunately the bed covers were tangled on my legs causing for me to fell on the floor face first

I groaned and stood up removing the freakin' thing.


I ran as fast as I can to the school hallways heading to my next class

I'm 30 minutes late now.... Since i have to run all the way from home.... I haven't even done my hair yet

I finally got to the door slamming it open making all of them to look

"I'm very...very sorry I'm late!!" I said out of breath

"Are you aware of the rules ms. Hofferson?" The middle aged lady infront said

"O-ofcourse!! What is it again?" I said unsure. I mean... Nobody had tell me the rules yet... Or maybe someone already told me about it. I don't know... I have a really big problem with reminding some unimportant things.... Unimportant to me somehow...

"Nevermind that... Go to your seat... I must expect for this to not happen again" wow.... She's more mad than a woman who has her day in a month right now

I secretly rolled my eyes and headed to an empty sea

There were three girls infront who kept whispering while glancing at me

One of them raised an eyebrow

I didn't mind them, go...waste your time ladies.... Cause i would just seat here...... Listening.... To the teacher..... And her useless lessons...... While I'm actually not really listening!!


The bell rang dismissing us

I wore my bag... Ready to went my way to my next class

"Hofferson" a voice said making me turn around


"Nice outfit" she and her friends grinned looking at me up and down

I knew it wasn't a compliment. Because I know her, she's the girl yesterday on swimming try outs

I may not know her name, but I knew that she's nothing but trouble to me

"See you at the next class" she said as her friends followed her

My fist is itching for someone to punch....

I shoved the thought away

I headed to my next class

Before I got to a seat, I tripped on someone's leg, making me fall on the ground


"Oops... I didn't saw you there, but nice to see you again, hofferson" its the same girl earlier

Trust me, I'm totally pissed

I raised my head and turned on my back to glare at the girl. she just smirked, but she suddenly looked surprised, not looking at me but behind me

"Need a hand?" I turned infront to see a familiar auburn haired weirdo offering me a hand

"I....I....uhh..." I stuttered

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