"Do you have a problem with staring?!"

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Image isn't mine- im not sure whos it is but- if you know just tag them or tell me :')

TW:  swearing. If you aren't comfortable with these, I advise you to leave :)

Georges POV:

I watched the trees leaves fall and move to the side swiftly, knocking came from the other side of the door. I could easily tell it was mum based off the knocking, she always knocks in a rhythmic  way. I opened the door to be face and face with her, it was silent before she broke it. "George, hun, why are you awake so early? You have about two hours before you have to go to school? Am I wrong?" 

    "No, you aren't wrong.. just couldn't sleep y'know?" She quickly nodded before asking if they wanted to eat out for breakfast, which I accepted joyfully.  We ate for hour or so, we went back to the house so I could gather my stuff and hop in the car again. She started to drive with the sun roof open, it was almost relaxing, other than the thought it was the road to school.

   I was a 30 minutes early, damn, new record! I left the car and looked back to see my mum drive away, well, mine as well see if Karl or Alex is here. Alex usually comes early..- I'm not sure why but, its better than bullying kids on bedwars, that's for sure. Alex brought me into a tight hug "There's my favourite white boy!! Well second.." 

   I rolled my eyes at the gesture and walked to the door to enter the school, it was locked. I glanced at Alex with such a confusing face. "So this is what it's like to be early?" I giggled. Alex shoved me a bit to get to the door and open it with a key. He looked back at me and tried not to laugh.

  "B-But how?!" Alex finally gave in and gave a big laugh, "I bothered them so much too the point they just gave me a key so I wouldn't knock and yell at the door." Me and Alex both laughed too our lockers adding more stupid stuff to the joke.  

                                                              *Time skip to lunch*

     I sat beside Karl who was trying to get away from Alex's kisses *jokingly just for now ;)* I noticed a boy staring at me, we held eye contact for a second before he looked away at the corner of the room. That damn boy always stared at me, it was almost concerning about how much he stares at me. When we were all finished our lunch I headed to my locker to get my science textbook, I looked around real quick before I saw that dumb kid again!! I looked at him and he looked at me, I was quick to yell "Do you have a problem with staring?!" I was mad and concerned, I could tell his cheeks were flushed, he was embarrassed. I mean, call out for staring in front of 20-30 people? Little did I know that was a HUGE mistake.

     Dream/Clay's POV:

I quickly ran out of the hall to the boys bathroom, oh god, did he just call me out?! IN FRONT OF 20-30 PEOPLE?! I never thought I'd be doing this so soon, but it seemed right at the moment. I grabbed a piece of paper from my backpack and a pencil I wrote down "Met me at the the tree house. -Karl" I know about their little tree house in the woods, if I signed it as me, he would never come. This is gonna be good. 

    I placed it in George's locker through those little slips, George only had one class left, he was at that class too. So I had to go to the tree house to prepare. 

                                                 *Time skip to when George arrives at the tree house *

3rd person's POV: 

Clay was hiding under a blanket that they had in the corner, he heard George's foot steps! Yes! The plan was going just as planed, he quickly got up and covered the startled boy with the blanket over his head. He knocked George unconscious. He picked up the small boy and held him over his shoulder. 

*Sorry for so much time skipping- but time skip to where George is basically tied up to a chair in some random abandoned place*  

Dream/Clay's POV:

I stared at the unconscious boy right in front of me, god, he was so perfect. Even if he was knocked out.. About a hour passed, I noticed I was still staring. I shook my head and got a bucket of ice cold water. He should be conscious now. I poured the water on top of his head earning a gasp and startle. He was blindfolded, but just in case I had a mask. "Goodmorning darling! Well, evening!" George was trying to escape, it was so cute how he was so scared.. "W-w-where am I?!" He was a bit too confidence for being kidnapped. I cupped his face in one hand to make his terrified face me. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb slowly. It wasn't much till he started sobbing. "Darling, don't cry.." It only made him cry more, shit. 

                                                                                911 words

   Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter- I am kinda new to be writing stories, sorry if my grammar is bad-  Have a lovely day/night! ^^ 

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