
743 15 48

TW: mature stuff? Implied sex/rape

3rd POV:

George woke up the next morning, just wanting to fall asleep and never wake up again. He hugged the pillow, wishing it was Lizzy.

George looked over to his left on the night table and saw a lamp, handcuffs and a condom. Plus 2 white balls "hidden" in the corner of his closet. George looked around and saw a glass window. It doesn't look very strong, it's weird.

George rocked himself out of bed and grabbed the lamp. He went to the middle of the room and faced the window. George sighed and raised the lamp. He threw it at the window and it immediately bounced off not a single crack has been made. He threw it 3 more times and a tiny crack appeared.

As that crack appeared a loud alarm went off. George instantly hid in the closet on the left side. Forgetting about the white balls outside the closet on the right.

George heard someone come in the room, their footsteps just screamed out anger. "George. You dare make a crack in my window and then hide? Stop being a pussy and come out." Dream said sternly. George came out and looked at the ground keeping his hands together. "Hm. Well, you seem wide awake.." Dream looked over George's shoulder and smirked.

"Now, let's get rid of that thing just 'virginity.'" Dream chuckled. George's eyes meet Dream's, it was full of lust. "D-Dream-" George stuttered. Dream grabbed George by both shoulders and moved him into the bed. Dream looked over and grabbed handcuffs and handcuffed George's wrist together.

George started to cry and scream for mercy. Dream stripped George and himself and made George straddle him, making them go right into business.

Lunch time

George laid there crying, his wrists still handcuffed above his head, and his legs worn out and they couldn't move a muscle. "Wasn't so bad for your first time." Dream chuckled getting the white balls.

"What're those.." George mumbled weakly. Dream ignored him and rubbed the balls up his legs only reaching his thighs. it felt sticky and dry. "Well, George..." Dream rolled them over and saw it was Lizzy's eyes. George started to freak out and move his hips away from them while Dream laughed.

"Where even is Lizzy.." George mumbled, tears spilling out of his eyes looking to the side to avoid eye contact.

Dream sighed, maybe this wasn't enough to make Lizzy off your mind." Dream said angrily. George whimpered as he felt the place beside his hips dip. Dream brought his head to George's neck and started to nibble at places. George moaned a bit more loudly at one spot. Dream started to attack there.

30 minutes later 😙👍

George's body was sore, and full of bruises and hickeys and even some blood. "3..2..1.." Dream counted down looking at the wall.

"There! I told you your virginity would be gone by noon." Dream walked over to George and pecked his lips and removed the cuffs from him, knowing he is probably too weak to get up.

Dream smirked, "Get up." George tried to use his arms to get up but his arms were shaking crazily once he started to put weight in them. George groaned in pain as he tried to get feeling in his legs. George flopped down, scared since he didn't get up.

Dream laughed, "I'm not mad, I know you wouldn't be able to get up." George looked out the window. Dream threw a oversized sweatshirt at George. "Put it on, people are coming in here." George whimpered trying to make Dream get the hint.

"Right-" Dream walked over and put the sweatshirt on George. "I have a surprise for you..~" Dream left the room to leave only George and his thoughts.

George's POV:

Dream left the room to go get me a 'surprise.' I didn't think he'd actually rape me. He called me mean words but yet he still praised me. If I remember correctly he used such things as "slut" and "whore". It didn't mean much to me since he was a bitch and bitches opinions don't matter to me but his praises. I don't they got to me.

yes yes yes. My device for writing has broken down and I am going to get it fixed tomorrow. It is an iPad and my dad is like "just get a new iPad." And like it's hard because like- well I got my iPad for my birthday and um. This is kinda personal but my cat died on my birthday and right after she died we went to the mall and got myself an iPad. So this iPad means a lot to me and I don't wanna let it go :(

Anyways! I love you all soooooo much! Tysm for 1k reads! It means a lot to me! Eat and hydrate or I will come over to your house and force feed you 🥺🥺

Wise words: "Stay in school kids. It makes you better at PvP." -Technoblade

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