After Practice (Diasuga)

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I already know what your thinking, no this isn't going to be smut weirdos.


The team was gone, it was just Sugawara and Daichi. They were sitting on the steps talking, making sure Hinata and Kageyama had actually gone home and weren't outside the school gym somewhere waiting until the captain and co-captain left to come back inside for extra practice. Although they weren't paying much attention to that at this point. 

"You ready?" Suga asked Daichi as he finished slipping on a more comfortable pair of shoes. 

"Yeah, let's go." Daichi replied standing up, Suga followed suit dusting himself off lightly and picking up his bag. The two checked around both corners to be sure that Hinata and Kageyama actually were gone, before starting their walk home down the hill. 

They chatted a bit and somewhere along the way they started talking about who on the team they thought would make a good couple and who wouldn't, shipping their teammates with each other and what not. 

"I don't know, Kageyama's just always yelling at him..." Daichi said in an unsure tone. 

"You Gotta admit there is chemistry there though." Sugawara said, looking at Daichi in amusement. "Who would be the top though?" Daichi's head whipped to look at Suga an amused smile contradicting the disapproving look he was trying to put on. 

"Sugawara you can't talk about them like that!" 

"It's not like they're here-" 

"Doesn't matter those two are first years they're like 15."

"Do you know how many first years lose their v-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Daichi put his hand over the setter's mouth. His facial expression, once again, contradicting his scolding tone. Suga grinned, even though it couldn't be seen, and licked a line up Daichi's palm making him retract his hand away from Sugawara's mouth and wipe his hand on his pants in disgust. 

"Ew." He mumbled. Suga's grin just got wider. 

"You know who I ship." Suga said after a moment of silence

"No, I don't." The captain said looking at the other male. 

"Us." The one word might sound like three million to Daichi as he tried to process what Sugawara had just said. His heart sped up a million beats and for a moment all he could hear was the pounding of blood in his ears. 

Now Daichi never considered himself to be gay, never once had thought about it, well at least not until Sugawara had come out as gay to him. That's when he had started to think about it, but he always told himself he wasn't. Even when he started to develop a more-than-friends attraction to his best friend, Daichi has brushed that off paying no mind to it. Partially because he was sure, sort off, that he was straight and also because he didn't want to have a crush on his best friend, not because Suga was bad or anything, no, because he didn't want to have to lose a friendship that meant so much to him. So, he had ignored his feelings and brushed them off like they were nothing. 

But now...

"What do you mean?" He blurted, stopping.

"What I mean is," Sugawara turned to him, a blush evident on his cheeks and looked down "I mean...will you go out with me?" Sugawara said suddenly. 

"Suga I-" 

"I know you're not gay...I'm sorry I should've known, its fine." Suga looked up a smile on his face masking how hurt he actually was, but Daichi saw write through that smile. He knew Suga, and he knew right now he was hurt. 

"No, I was going to say-" The captain cut himself off and paused. He took a deep breath collect his thoughts and feelings and in a much sure voice he continued. "I was going to say that I actually really like you and I would love to go out with you." Daichi blushed. 

"But I thought you said you weren't gay." 

"So did I," He shrugged at the other male, "guess I am though." Sugawara had a genuine smile on his face now that made Daichi smile "So ya, I will go out with you." Sugawara's smile just got wider, if that was even possible. 

And so (A/N: I didn't want to put that XD) the two males just stood there for a while, processing that they were dating, with stupid smiles on their faces, looking like they had just won the lottery or something and for them it felt like they had just won a little lottery of their own.



That was such a cheesy Disney princess ending 🥴. Love the ship not the one shot. Anyway hope you enjoyed!


-Word count: 736

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