Camping (Asahi)

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Y/N and Asahi are both children in this, about 7 or 8


Setting the stuff down by the tent, Y/N dusted off her small hands and turned to look at her friend.

"Common Asahi! Let's go explore!" She grinned and grabbed his hand trying to drag him toward the forest

Asahi, however, was not as thrilled with the idea and did his best to keep his feet planted where he was standing.

Y/N turned around when she realized she wouldn't be able to pull him along. "What's wrong Asahi?"

He looked at her hesitantly, trying to find an excuse to not go. He'd tried to convince her the whole car ride that going exploring was a bad idea, but she would not have it and continued to insist they would go.

"But what if my mom and dad need our help here?" He asked finding a, very bad, excuses for them to not go. The little boy in all truth was a bit scared. Neither of them knew what was in those woods and they could get hurt or encounter a bear, or a snake, or...really anything.

"They'll be fine! They're grownups anyway. Now common!" She spoke. Y/N continued to try and drag him with her. This time the girl had a bit more luck.

"W-wait can I finish my food first?" Asahi said picking up a Z-bar (A/N: I used to love the chocolate mint ones) from the small metal foldout table Y/N dragged him by.

"You weren't even eating that earlier!" Y/N pouted, letting go of his arm.

"Well, I am now." The boy smiled awkwardly as he unwrapped the bar and began eating.

Y/N crossed her arms and pouted. "I'll just go alone then." then she turned around and ran out of the campsite and down the road that connected all the campsite spots to the rest of the world.

"Wait Y/N!" Asahi said starting to run after her, completely forgetting about his Z-bar.

"Where are you going Asahi, Y/N?" His father questioned as the little boy ran past him

"Exploring!" He shouted over his shoulder and continued to go after his friend. Asahi's father chuckled and watched as his son ran down the road after Y/N and his mother yelled after him to be safe and keep Y/N out of any trouble.

When Asahi got to Y/N, she was standing at the "bottom" of the road at the part right before it split into two. Tapping her foot and checking her watch, that she didn't have, and looking around while waiting for Asahi.

"There you are!" She exclaimed dramatically as he stopped next to her, "Now which way should we go? Left, or right?"

"Umm, why don't we go back." Asahi said after a moment. Y/N shook her head

"We can't, we have a forest to explore!"

"But it could be dangerous-"

"We'll be fine! Besides think of all cool stuff we could find." She wiggled her eyebrows unconvincingly at him. Asahi gave up at trying to get his friend to come back with him so he just pointed in a random direction, which happened to be right.

Y/N threw her hand up and pointed a finger at the sky. "Onward!" She declared and started marching down the right road. Asahi sighed and shook his head, then followed after his best friend, trying not to think of all the bad things that could happen.  



I might make a part two since this was so short and it has potential for a part two, but for now I'll just leave it here. Hope you liked it! 

Word count - 556


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