Chapter 5

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This was it...

Today was the day...

I was gonna go under...

I didn't know why, but I felt like wearing one of my best outfits. A baby blue button up long sleeve shirt and a pair blue high waisted Jeans with pink rose imprints and a brown belt.

Sure, I had better things to wear, but I thought It seemed appropriate enough for today. I didn't even feel like going to class even though it was still early. I just did what I usually did early before classes. Go to my usual coffee house for coffee and a pastry.


I sat at the coffee shop with my cream pastry and cup of coffee in front of me. I must've had a million thoughts running through my mind.

Will this be my last day alive?

Will I make it back?

Will I see Mia?

That last thought was the one that kept coming back to me the most. "Lauren" I hear someone call my name, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn around to see non other than Nelson Wright.

God what is it with us running into each other?



"Mind if I join you?" He asks me. "Sure". He sits down from across the table. I was looking down at my plate rubbing the side of my temple. "How are you feeling?" I ask referring to his injuries from last night. "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" He says causing me to sigh.

"Well I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a little scared to be doing this, but I've already made up my mind" I say firmly to which he nods. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" He says. "I thought you just did" I tease him, making him chuckle. "Before I went, you seemed a little skeptical about doing this, and then you showed up that night with Rachael. What made you change your mind?" As much as I wanted to share the one reason that convinced me to participate in Nelson's deadly experiment, I didn't feel like sharing something that I hadn't even told my own brother.

"Well what can I say? I guess I'm just a little skeptical about everything" I shrug. Luckily he didn't question me any further.

I looked out the window watching people and cars passing by when suddenly I felt something touch the back of my hand. I looked down and saw it was Nelson's hand.

"Look Lauren, believe it or not..." He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I am aware of the risks your going to be taking today...and just incase I never get the chance again...I was thinking that maybe we could sit here for a while, and just talk" he spoke softly.

This was a whole new side to Nelson that I don't think I, nor anyone else has seen before. Not that I was complaining. I was becoming rather intrigued so I said.



We spent the next half hour chatting away. One thing I've learned about him was that he was easy to talk to when he wasn't playing doctor death. We laughed and talked about a few different things, many of which we had in common.

I definitely have feelings for him I thought.

I at my watch, which read 2:30 and and told Nelson that I had to go home for a while.

"Where are you going?" He asks. I haven't talked to my brother in a while. He's going to law school in Wisconsin so we only see each other around the holidays. I figured I should call him incase know..." I explained. He knew what I was implying.

"Well, how about I walk you out"

"Sure" I smile.



Insanity laughs, under pressure we're crying

My favorite queen song was playing on the radio as laid in bed with the telephone dialling Charlie's number. Hopefully he was home from school. I hummed along to the tune while the phone rang for a few seconds.


"Hey squirt, its me" I smiled, calling him by his old nickname.

"Hey sis, how are you?" he asks in a happy tone. "I'm Good" I say.

"How's school going?"

"Pretty Good"

"You know, as happy as I am that you called, I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"We'll I mean the last time we saw each other was on the 4th of July...and uh...I don't know...I guess maybe we just don't see each other enough" he says. I chuckled lightly before saying "Yeah I guess you're right, but that's...kinda why I called ya know, just to talk" I say


Me and Charlie spent at least two hours on the phone, talking like we were kids again.

"Yeah I remember that camping trip. You fell in poison ivy and and mom made me and dad run 5 miles at night, down to the nearest General Store for calamine lotion" I recalled making Charlie laugh with delight "Yeah and then the next day before we left, you got poison ivy too, and then we had to stop at that same store on the way back home for more calamine lotion" he recalls making me laugh now. After our laughter died we both sighed.

"Man mom and dad must've been so exhausted after that trip huh?"

"Yeah" I say. My emotions turned more numb after hearing him say the words 'mom and dad'. But we both knew how complicated my relationship with our parents was. It was always painful, ever since...

"Hey are you still there?" Charlie says interrupting me from my thoughts. "Uh yeah" I say quickly.

"You know squirt, I'm really glad we had this talk...and uh...if anything were ever to happen to me Charlie......" I trailed off. This wasn't going well

"Sis, what are talking about" he asks with slight worry in the tone of his voice.

"You know what, never mind. Its nothing" I quickly retract. "Listen Charlie, I gotta go and meet some friends soon, but I'll talk to you soon"

"Okay sis, sounds good"

"See ya squirt" I say sweetly before hanging up. I flopped down on my bed and started nervously thinking to myself

Please god don't let this be the last time I talk to my brother

Hey everyone, I know this probably isn't the chapter you all wanted, but I promise I'll try and have the next chapter up sooner in the mean time I hope u like this one for now and here's a picture of Lauren's outfit

Hey everyone, I know this probably isn't the chapter you all wanted, but I promise I'll try and have the next chapter up sooner in the mean time I hope u like this one for now and here's a picture of Lauren's outfit

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