Chapter 6: The Cavalry Battle! (Part 1)

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Third Person P.O.V

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next activity will only have our top 42 students competing in a Cavalry Battle!" Midnight told the audience.

The audience erupted into cheers for the upcoming activity. 'These idiots are so loud it's giving me a damn headache,' Tari thought to himself. He took a couple of deep breaths as Midnight went over the rules.

'They were to create groups of four people. Three of these people would hold up the fourth person from the ground and take others' headbands while keeping their own.'

Tari's mind started working. He was putting together a strategy that will allow him to win this cavalry battle. Midnight said something like 'Only four groups being allowed to pass, making only 16 people in the last game, the 1v1 Tournament.'

So, he wouldn't even need to get first place to win this match, and taking second place in the previous game was most likely, a mista-

"TARI" 'goddammit.' He looked over to the voice and saw Sozo waving him down next to Hana and Chimei. Reluctantly, he walked over to the three as the four of them got their headbands.

Midnight gave them 15 minutes to find their other partners. It seemed that most of Class 1-A were sticking to their groups. But, Tari's group said nothing to each other. Just an awkward silence. Tari took a deep breath and turned around, walking away from them.

"Hey, Asshole," Chimei yelled at him. Tari stopped and turned back around to them.

"The fuck you want, Bitch?" He responded. The two just stared at each other, making Sozo and Hana nervous if these two would just start duking it out now.

"You are supposed to be on our team." Chimei reminded him. Tari just chuckled at him.

"I'm supposed to, but I don't want to," Tari replied. "I am finding my own team, and I'm gonna fucking win, without you, asswipe." He turned back around. Going into the crowd of students.

Sozo sighed as Chimei looked away angrily. Reluctantly, Sozo took off in Tari's direction.

"Where are you going, Sozo-chan?" Hana asked her friend.

"Someone has to watch out for the asshole. Never know when Tari might explode." She said, then Sozo turned around just like him and continued saying, "I'll be rooting for you two."

She took off, leaving Chimei and Hana. The two students looked at each other and sighed as they both looked for two more students.


Sozo could not believe that douchebag. Just because he doesn't like the other two people in their group. That doesn't mean he has to make it more difficult for her to give him friends.

Seriously, her work goes so unnoticed when she is practically throwing candidates at his face. But he just ignores or scares them all off. However, this time he is not allowed to because it relies on their grade.

Sozo saw familiar brown/black hair towering over everyone else around. There he is. She ran over to him and punched his arm.

"Dick," She simply said. He chuckled.

"My name is Tari, not Richard," Tari replied.

Tari looked around the place and saw a couple of students, two of them, were separate from the rest. He looked over at the clock, which read seven minutes remaining. They have been walking around for some time.

With a deep sigh, he walked over to the two students in the corner.

"You two, with me." The two students looked confused. But they didn't have any better ideas than to listen to him. The two students grouped up with Tari and Sozo.

"I want quirks and names now," Tari commanded them. They seemed startled by his bluntness.

"My name is Daichi Dan, and my quirk is Rhino. Uhh, I have the abilities of a Rhino. Such as charging at things. And I have hard skin. Making me somewhat bulletproof, I had mean friends. But, I can only see 10 inches in front of me, but 5 feet with glasses on." Daichi explained himself.

'So that explains why that dick is looking away from us.' Sozo patted Daichi on the shoulder. Daichi turned around, and his friend gave him his glasses, giving him the gift of sight. Tari turned to his friend and nodded, telling him to go ahead.

"Well, My name is Yuya Ben, and my quirk is Upgrade. I can upgrade any form of technology to my will. Want a gun? But only have a computer. Boom! Now you have a laser gun. Unfortunately, I am weak to water, and I can not upgrade anything that is not technologically advanced to the modern era." Tari nodded to them both and began making a plan in his head. He nodded once more and pointed to his Rhino buddy.

"You are my front. Take all the hits." Tari told him, the Rhino boy nodded to him in agreement.

(The battle continues in the next chapter. Stay tuned!)

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