Chapter 12: The Fight!

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Third Person P.O.V

As the day wore on, tensions ran high. The regular classes are boring compared to the flashy hero life all of the students in class 1A were hoping for. But that only helped to fuel the inner demons of one of the students. The bell rang, the signal to pack up and head out to the gym for hero training. All of the kids went and met up with their respective teams and waited for further instructions.

"Looks like you kids are finally learning. Alright, today will just be some quirk training. Do what you have to do. That is all." Aizawa did not wait for a reply as he signaled for the students to get going.

"Yes, sir!" They yelled in unison. Each group ran in so as not to make Aizawa upset. There was a heavy, tense feeling in the air as they worked. No one was entirely sure why.

"Hey, you guys feel that, right?" Hana asked.

"Um, I'm not sure. Do you guys know?" Sozo replied. Chimei was about to speak when Tari spoke up.

"Yeah, I do. Want to know what it is?" Tari stared at Hana, giving her a look she had never seen Tari use. It sent cold chills down her spine.

"Uh..." Hana stared at her feet as every instinct told her to run.

"How about I tell you. It's the fact that your creepy ass is even standing in this room that it got so, how did you describe it? Weird. Why don't you just get the fuck out of here because no one likes you." Tari finished. Hana stared at him with wide eyes. Chimei could not believe what he had just heard. 'Where the fuck did that come from?' He got ready to scream at him. He wanted to do it badly.

"Tari?" Hana and Chimei snapped out of their daze and turned to Sozo. Tari didn't even turn. He didn't, no, wouldn't turn to her. "I know you're an asshole but, that is going too far. Even for you."

"Really? I never thought that you, of all people, would go soft on some worthless creep like her. Look at her! She is so timid and shy, it's disgusting! And the way her quirk works? It is disgraceful to be an aspiring hero with that kind of quirk! I bet her parents think of her as a disgrace!" Tari turned to Sozo as she smashed her fist into his face. The room went quiet as he slowly recovered from the blow.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you bu-'' Tari swung at Sozo. He barely missed her face by mere centimeters. "FINE THEN, YOU ASS!" She jumped back a few steps as he leaned down, ready to attack.

"FUCK!" Tari yelled as his muscles expanded. He lunged at Sozo without thinking.

"THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS!" Sozo raised her arms in front of her as a body began to form. Tari hesitated. 'Not that...' His eyes widened in fear. Its body looked broken. Its back was hunched while its arms bent the wrong way. It had its mouth permanently open while a large, bloodshot eye was nestled deep in the black pit that was its mouth. Fear quickly turned to anger as he annihilated it in one blow.

"FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" He made his muscles expand more as he threw a left hook. Right before it hits Sozo, his body starts to deflate. However, it didn't stop his punch from hitting its target. Sozo's vision gets blurry as she falls, stunned by the shock of the attack.

"That's enough out of you two. Stop and head to the nurse." Aizawa releases his quirk by blinking. But they don't stop. Neither Tari nor Sozo realized they could use their quirks, so they began slugging it out. Every attack from Tari was quickly countered by Sozo. But the first punch had dealt its damage and Sozo was quickly overpowered. She fell back to the ground and tried to curl up to avoid the worst of it. But, Tari held her, so she was on her back. He kept punching over and over as the rest of the class watched in horror. Aizawa immediately ran over to them and began trying to pull Tari off of Sozo. Chimei broke out of his trance and went to help with Hana close by.

"DUDE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! STOP! SHE IS DOWN!" Tari would not stop. Yna and Daichi ran over and pulled Sozo out from under him. Tari tried to fight his teacher and classmates off of him but couldn't. After a few moments, he calmed down enough for them to let go of him.

"Holy crap, look at her face, it's all bloody," Hiroyoshi exclaimed.

"Stop gawking and get her to Recovery Girl. Hurry up." Aizawa growled. "As for you, Torutunitarani Kuchi! Go to the office and wait there, you are suspended." Tari glared at him before getting up and leaving. "You two are also getting detention until you leave for internships next week. As will Sozo when she is better." Hana looked down at her feet meekly while Chimei went off on his teacher.


"Exactly, you didn't do anything to stop them. As a hero, you failed. If that had happened out on patrol, then the press would be all over you kids." He stated.

"But Tari-" Chimei began.

"But you, as the other guy on the team, should be there to keep Torutunitarani from attacking the rest of your group. So you also failed as a man." Aizawa countered. The blow went straight to Chimei's pride.

"Aizawa-sensei! I-"

"You can either take detention or expulsion, your choice." Aizawa turned away from them and walked away. Chimei shut his mouth and ground his teeth. "Class is dismissed for the day."

"Yes, sir!"

~ 1 hour later~

"Be glad we aren't expelling you." Principal Nezu told Tari. Tari had gone up to the office and had to sit through the dullest lecture of his life. "Also, I know about your relationship with Miss Sozo, so if you'd like. You can go visit her before leaving." Tari stood up and bowed before turning to leave. He started walking towards the nurse's office and walked in.

"I'm here to see Sozo Suru." Recovery Girl turned and pointed towards the curtain that was drawn.

"She's over there." He walked over and pulled the curtains back. Sozo's face was covered by bandages but, other than that, she seemed okay. He stood and stared at her with a full look. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' he kept thinking the same thing over and over again. But he couldn't get the words out. Frustrated, he turned and left without saying anything. "Huh, what an odd child." Recovery Girl turned back to her computer and went on working.

'Goddamnit, I'm such a piece of shit. What the hell is wrong with me?' Tari turned to go down the stairs when a face popped out from the wall. 'huh?'

"Wow! I didn't think I'd meet a walking porta-potty!" Tari's expression of wonder quickly turned to anger.

"What the fuck did you just say!" He stared at this freak in the wall anger rolling off of him in waves.

"Well, I said, I didn't think I'd meet a walking porta potty. You know, cause of all of that stuff you say." He then fully came out of the wall, naked.


"Whoops! Good thing Tamaki is close by! Ah, speak of the devil. Hey, Tamaki! You think you can help me out?" Tari snapped his head over to the bottom of the stairs and saw two people, a pretty girl with long blue hair and a big smile on her face. She was standing next to a guy with dark blue hair. He had pointy ears and an odd look on his face.

"Mirio, why?" The guy, Tamaki, asked the stripper.

"I just wanted to say hi." He shrugged. As the girl pointed up at him.


"What the hell is wrong with you people?"

(Stay tuned for our next chapter!)

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