Chapter 8: The Sky Battle!

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Third Person P.O.V

Chimei began searching the ground for any openings to swoop down and snatch a headband. It doesn't matter how many points they had. As long as it gave them an extra edge, that's all they needed. 'Maybe we should go after the smug bitch and Sozo-chan.'

"LOOK OUT!" Fuji screamed at them. A hand reached out and barely missed his 1,000,000 point headband.

"Tch, off by a few centimeters." Tari glared at the green buffoon before him. 'God, his face pisses me off' Tari changed the drone's direction to go in for a second try.

"Yna! Hit the blades!" Hana yelled at her.

"I can't!" She yelled back. Chimei felt like his heart was going to stop beating.

"What do you mean, you can't!"

"I'm afraid of heights!" She was clinging to Chimei for dear life. 'This little... ugh, I swear this is worse than any fight I've been in.' Tari's team closed in for the second time, this time grabbing the 1,000,000 point headband.

"What a change of events people, looks like team Tari is now in the lead!" Present Mic screamed. Chimei lunged at Tari, which made the rest of his team let go. "HOLY COW, THEY'RE FALLING!" Present Mic screeched.

"Hopefully, none of them die. That's gonna be too much paperwork." Aizawa mumbled. Chimei instantly swooped down to catch them. Chimei caught Fuji, then Yna, and lastly, Hana before setting them down. Yna collapsed and began kissing the dirt.

"Oh, thank God I'm not dead!" Hana began patting, Yna's back trying to comfort her when suddenly Present Mic speaks,


The entire arena goes silent. The team of 4 all look at each other than at where Chimei is. Hana jabs a finger at Chimei before screaming,

"YOU! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE FLYING!" Chimei realizes his mistake. While Tari sits on the drone laughing his ass off. Chimei starts to blush in embarrassment as the one person he can't stand laughs at him and his group.

"LOSER! IDIOTS! YOU ALL THOUGHT YOU'D WIN BUT YOU GUYS FAILED!!" Tari couldn't help it. He knew it wasn't right to make fun of someone for losing, but this was too hilarious. "YOU GU- eh?" He slipped and fell backward off the drone.

"NOOOOOOO!" Sozo tried to create a grappling hook to catch him but stopped. 'Not now... argh my head..' the flimsy excuse for a grappling hook disappeared and, Tari hit the ground. Chimei smirked down at Tari.

"Well, well, looks like the tables have turned."

"Torutunitarani Kuchi, Sozo Suru, Yuya Ben, and Daichi Dan are all disqualified." Aizawa had to speak in place of Present Mic, who was no longer sitting but rolling around the little office. He was laughing his ass off. Tears were streaming down his face as he struggled to breathe.

"All of you, please get out of the arena." All eight of them bowed their heads and walked out as everyone either whispered or booed them. Hana started to cry as the people got meaner.

Once they had made it back to the waiting rooms, the four extra kids started walking away from them. Yuya suddenly stopped and turned towards the hero course students.

"I know you guys think you're so special, but the rest of us wanted to win. You all are a bunch of jokes." He looked about ready to cry. The other three students from general studies were openly crying. Hana was crying even harder now, while Chimei was at a loss for words. No one had ever spoken to him like that. Not even Rappa, the one man he wished to beat no matter what. Tari began to laugh silently.

"You think you know how bad it is to lose? What? You think that it's our fault you guys lost?" They all watched in anger. Sozo looked on with an expressionless face. "I, think, you guys just believe that if you mooched off of us, we would lead you to victory?"

"Tari." Everyone turned to the soft voice. Sozo's face was still, completely unreadable. "I think they understand their mistake." She paused to look at everyone else. "But he's also right. I-"

"THE HELL! SOZO-CHAN, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KEEP HIM IN CHECK! NOT AGREE WITH HIM!" Chimei screamed at her. Hana took a few shaky steps away from Sozo. 'Ugh, not again, thanks a lot, Tari. You just ruined my school life... again.' Sozo took a deep breath before continuing.

"He's right, though. We're not perfect. We can keep asking ourselves. What if this and that but, that won't change anything. We made a mistake and paid for it. All we can do is wait and see how it turns out." She looked over at the general studies kids again.

"You guys are at much as fault as we are. Why didn't you catch Tari while he was falling? I tried and failed. The girl over there, why did you act like a damsel in distress? When you're trying to get a spot in the hero course?"

Everyone looked down at their feet and away from Sozo. They felt appalled. Chimei was now furious. 'Who the hell do they think they are? They're stronger than them. Why are they acting like this?' Yuya grimaced and turned away from them in disgust.

"You guys are horrible, some of us have problems we're trying to fix, my mom is si-"

"Let me stop you there." Tari interrupted Yuya. "Don't even start with that shit. You have no idea what we've been through. So don't even start."

The general studies kids walked off towards their bleachers. The kids from class 1-A were left in that waiting room. Hana fell to her knees and cried like a baby. Chimei walked over to her and sat on the cool concrete floor nearby. Sozo tried to go over to Hana, to comfort her. But, a look from Chimei made her think otherwise, and she went and sat in a corner opposite them. Tari stood in place for a few seconds before mumbling something under his breath, "Fucking hell."

(Stay Tuned! For our next chapter, The T-Rex and the Dragon!)

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