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Light illuminates the dark corridor and reveals a young witch, both hands full of a conundrum of things. A grey furry cat purrs at her feet.

"We'll have to be quiet if we don't want Filch to catch us. Come on"

The witch chuckles softly and then proceeds to clench her wand between her teeth, making it more easy to hold her things. She turns around to see if anyone is following her. Luckily Filch seems to be occupied otherwise. She nods contently and scurries around the corner.

She can already smell the damp soil and floral hints of the greenhouses from here. Yn hurries along the corridor as silently as possible, eyes scanning the glass windows dividing the greenhouse from the rest of the castle. She has it memorized by now. How couldn't she after six years? Seven big steps. The third window from above. A tiny handle which only she can see because of the Notice-me-not-Charm she placed on it back in third year. Rotate it four times clockwise. A quiet click indicates that the window is open.

Yn gently pushes the window up.

"After you, Tio"

She smiles as her grey cat slips through the opening and follows him.

The humid, earthy air of the greenhouse surrounds her immediately. Yn closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. A smile spreads across her face.

"Let's make some moon water, shall we?"

Fourteen minutes later the Hufflepuff sits on the floor - legs crossed – and lights a candle in front of her. She pulls a jar and a vial out of her bag and screws of the lid. With a fluid movement of her wand she transfers the water out of the vial and into the jar.

"Alright, now some rosemary, sage, lavender and – where did I put it?"

She hums a calm melody as she searches her bag until a pleased 'There you are' indicates that she found what she was looking for. Cautiously she puts an amethyst into the jar along the herbs. She closes the jar and shuffles it into the moonlight shining through the glass ceiling of the greenhouse and says

"Mother Moon, thy guiding light

Shining down on me tonight.

Charge this water with radiant energy

In perfect Love and Harmony."

Just as the young witch starts to light a smudge stick and waves it around her, she hears a pained groan. Her head shuts up, face scrunching in anticipation of Filch's lecture about wandering around the castle past curfew. Probably a week of detention. But then her eyes meet dark brown ones looking at her in a mixture of confusion and sadness.

Minutes seem to pass as both students stare at each other. Frozen in place. That is until a reproachful meow makes both their heads snap to the left where Tio sits, watching them.

"Is- Is that your cat?"

His voice is rough.

"Yes, this is Tio."

She watches closely as he kneels down and extends his hand towards her cat. Raven curls fall into his face and she recognizes him. She recognizes Sirius Black, the Gryffindor known for his skills in wooing girls and pulling pranks, even on Professor McGonagall - or Minnie - as he calls her. There are red spots on his throat and cheeks. Has he been crying?

"And what's Tio doing out here after curfew?", he interrupts her thoughts.

A soft chuckle escapes him when Tio nestles his head in his hand.

"Well... erhm..."

Should she really tell him? Or would he think she's weird? She decides on half of the truth.

Sun in Scorpio | Young! Sirius Black x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now