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„So Remus is a werewolf – has been since his childhood – and you and the other marauders became... animagi... to help contain him on full moons?"

"Essentially, yeah, that's it."

Y/n slows down and looks at Sirius in bewilderment.


"Oh nothing. Just three fifth years successfully performing one of the most advanced spells in history. To help their friend. Who is also a werewolf. I mean how did you even do it without anyone noticing?"

"Yes, that was indeed tricky. Especially if you consider walking around with the leaf of a mandrake in your mouth for a month without breaking... Did you know that they taste like fig? I didn't know, but I was quite relieved, because it really could have been way worse. I mean imagine walking around with the taste of oysters on your tongue for a month, I think I would have had some serious second thoughts."

Both grimace in disgust and then burst into laughter. Their eyes meet and Sirius grey eyes twinkle with amusement. Catching herself staring, Y/n clears her throat and directs her gaze straight ahead.

"That's very admirable of you. Remus must be happy to have you as his friends."

Sirius hums in agreement and they continue in silence.

When they arrive at the Gryffindor Tower, Sirius says the password and they enter the common room.

"You know, I originally had planned some grand welcoming gesture, but given the circumstances I don't think we have the time for that", Sirius turns around and shrugs his shoulders.

Y/n raises an eyebrow at him. He grins and heads for a red sofa to his left. She follows him and takes a look at the boy lying there. His mouth is slightly open and his light snores fill the room.

Remus' face is covered in scars of various sizes and his light brown hair clings to his forehead. He is extremely pale, except for his cheeks, which are a burning shade of red.

"Come on Moony, we're here to help!", Sirius tries to shake him awake but the boy doesn't budge.

"That doesn't work, we've already tried plenty of times."

James and Peter arrive, carrying a selection of what seems to be every dish that has ever been served at Hogwarts.

"He's been sleeping ever since the great hall, I barely brought him up here", James nods his head in the direction of Remus.

Sirius opens his mouth in protest but James is quicker.

"I know you wanted to help me but we agreed you'd get...", he motions towards Y/n.


"Y/n, exactly. Nice to meet you. I'm James and this is Peter. And now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way, we need to help Remus."

They all turn to Y/n in expectation.

"Right, let's see. He appears to be burning up and in some sort of hibernation or delirium. Some magical creatures go through something called 'Transformation' when they're in puberty. I don't know about werewolves, but it could be possible that he's experiencing something similar. I've got something that will soothe the fever, but aside from that I fear there's not much we can do. Well, obviously we need to give him some food, keep him warm and let him sleep this out, but that's it."

The three boys nod solemnly.

"Sirius, have you still got the rosemary honey I gave you a few months ago?"

"Yes, it's in our dorm. Why?"

"I don't think we can get Remus to eat a whole meal and the honey would be an easy but efficient source of energy. The rosemary will also help with whatever he's dealing with. Could you please go and get it?"

Without hesitation Sirius heads up the stairs and disappears. James and Peter exchange a surprised look. Y/n sits down in front of the sofa that Remus is sleeping on.

"He hasn't got any fresh wounds, right?", she turns her head towards the other two boys.

They shake their heads in negation.

"That's good."

Sirius returns with the honey jar in his hands. Y/n rises to her feet.

"Try and give him a spoonful every hour or so, whenever he's awake. He'll need it. And make sure that he also drinks a lot, you can put the honey in some tea and give it to him."

She then turns to Sirius and continues in a lower voice, "I should return to my dorm, look after Tio, get some sleep, all that. If he gets worse or behaves abnormal, go straight to Madam Pomfrey. I have the feeling she should have been involved in this anyway. Don't risk anything, alright?"

"Will do. Do you want me to walk you back?"

She smiles but shakes her head.

"No, it's not that far. Besides, wouldn't want Filch to catch you, Remus needs you."

Sirius nods. Y/n turns back to James and Peter, who are sitting at Remus feet, and waves.

"Goodnight guys"


"Goodnight, Y/n!"

Sirius opens the door for her and she stops once she's stepped into the corridor. They look at each other, and he can see Y/n hesitating until she carefully wraps her arms around him and bids him goodnight.

When he fully realizes that she's hugging him, she's already let go and stepped away. With a quick whisper, the tip of her wand glows with a soft light and she waves goodbye to him.

Sirius watches the light of her Lumos grow smaller and then disappear around the corner. He goes back to the common room, where James is currently trying to get Remus to eat a spoon of honey without success. When he sees his friend, the boy with the glasses pauses.

"You never told us about her, Padfoot."

The remark of his friend pulls him back from his thoughts still lingering on the hug that had just occurred.


"I see, she's already wrapped you around her finger!"

"Do shut up James, we're just friends."

"Just friends, ey?", Peter chimes in.

Sirius rolls his eyes at them.

"You both better make yourselves useful and give Moony some of that honey. Can't have him go into a coma, can we?"

"Yes, Sir!", James and Peter answer in a choir, raising their hands in a mock salute.

Sirius shakes his head and laughs.

This was going to be fun!

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