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The next time they see each other is in the Great Hall. Sirius had almost given up on finding her at this point. Somehow the girl wasn't in any of his classes, which – if he had to admit – wasn't a huge surprise given the fact that the Gryffindors almost exclusively shared their classes with Slytherin this year. But still, every time he entered a classroom he let his gaze wander over the students in search of a yellow uniform, being met with the same disappointment over and over again after realizing that, no, she also didn't share this class with him.

So when his eyes catch sight of a familiar figure at the Hufflepuff table, he almost chokes on his toast and James has to pat him on the back several times.

"You alright there mate?"

"Yeah, just really... hungry", he apologizes and quickly looks somewhere else.

When James is completely immersed in a discussion with Lily, Sirius risks another glance in her direction.

He frowns in confusion. Next to the Hufflepuff girl his cousin, Narcissa Black, sits down. They hug and Narcissa says something that earns her a laugh from Hufflepuff girl.

What in bloody hell had she to do with Narcissa? The excitement he felt earlier vanished and a scowl overtook his feature. Before he can give his observation another thought, Remus hands him his bag and nods his head in the direction of the others who are already on their way out of the Great Hall.

Reluctantly Sirius gets up and follows his friend.


The following full moon they meet again. Sirius stumbles into the greenhouse. James had sent him back to the Gryffindor common room after Remus – in his werewolf form - had attacked him. But instead of returning to the warm fireplace in the Gryffindor tower something had pulled him to the greenhouses.

That's how she found him. Panting, face scrunched in pain and clutching his left side. And even though it was clear that he was in a great deal of pain, he still casually leaned in the doorframe. It seemed like the famous Sirius Black attitude hadn't left him after all.

"Sirius?", she takes a cautious step towards him.

"I don't really make a great impression every time we meet, do I?" He tries to smirk at her but stops and groans in agony.

"Are you hurt?", her eyes scan the tall boy in search of injuries. What the hell did he do?

"It's nothing, just a scratch" Sirius grits through his teeth.

She raises an eyebrow at him, obviously not believing a single word that left his mouth and takes another step towards him.

"Mmh, well if it's only a tiny scratch, may I have a look? You know Tio scratches me too sometimes so I know quite a lot about taking care of them."

"Yes, I guess that kind of makes you the expert", Sirius grins and motions at her, "have a look then."

Carefully he removes his hand that covered the injury and hisses when the cold air hits his open flesh. She extends a hand and slowly, very slowly lifts his shirt to examine his wound. For a second her eyes widen before she's able to recover her posture. A huge gash gapes on his left side. The blood has already soaked through Sirius' Sweatshirt.

"Yeah no, this won't do." She shakes her head.

"What do you mean? I won't strip in front of you, I don't even know you that well!" he exclaims indignantly.

"No, I was just trying to estimate the size of your 'scratch'. What I meant is that I don't have the right supplies here with me. So come on", she grabs her bag and gestures for him to follow her.

When he doesn't move she rolls her eyes and says: "Are you serious right now? You're the one bleeding all over the floor an I'm just trying to help you! But if you want to stay here and get an ugly infection, enjoy!"

Knowing that the Hufflepuff already helped him once before, he sighs and follows her.

"By the way, that was the second time that you joked about my name. Seems to be your thing" he smirks.

"I wasn't joking about your name-"

"You said 'Are you Sirius', so..."

"Yes, but you know bloody well I didn't mean your name!"

"Cursing now, are we? That's not really nice, especially considering the fact you're in Hufflepuff" Sirius teases her.

She stares at him, mouth opening and closing again, as if she decided not to waste her energy on his playful banter and picks up her pace. Sirius who's still standing where she left him frowns.

"Come on, I was only joking around! Could you please wait, I can't go as fast as you because I am injured!"

"So you admit it's more than a scratch?"

"I mean a scratch is still an injury-", she narrows her eyes at him, "but yeah, this time it's definitely more than a scratch!" the Gryffindor quickly adds.

"This time? You mean as in 'this has happened before'?"

His eyes widen.

"NO! I didn't-"

She notices his anxious stammering and how he avoids eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. You don't have to tell me. It's none of my business", she apologizes and gives him a comforting smile. Sirius lips are pressed into a thin line. He gives a short nod.

They continue in silence. When they round a corner Sirius begins to recognize his surroundings. He often came here when he missed dinner or if he wanted a snack. But what did she want in...

"The kitchen? You're taking me to the kitchen?" he looks at her confused. She chuckles.

"No, I am not taking you to the kitchen. Impatient much!"

Sirius feigns outrage and is about to give a teasing reply when she comes to a halt in front of a pile of large barrels stacked in a shadowy stone recess on the right hand side of the corridor.

She taps the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in a strange rhythm, making the lid swing open and exposing a passageway. He steps inside behind her and she closes the door.

After leading him through what seemed to be an entrance the until then low ceiling opens into a huge room, illuminated by soft golden light coming through a tall and colourful window depicting Helga Hufflepuff. Could this be?

The girl turns to Sirius and spreads her arms.

"Welcome to the Hufflepuff common room!"

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