All About You

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Hello peeps! I'm new in writing stories and blah.. maybe my grammar isn't right, so don't hate me for that.. and yes, the first chapter is pretty small.. but its just the beginning.. so yeah, I hope you enjoy it. :)

Chapter 1

Myra's POV

'How could you? how could you do this to me? I trusted you.... and instead , you broke my heart.' Tears were streaming down my face as I thought of him. Suddenly, I had this urge to go outside.. run away, somewhere far where no one could see me or hurt me... somewhere alone. Quickly, I got off my messy bed, grabbed my thick purple raincoat and stormed outside. It was raining cats and dogs, making it blurry to see distant, or close figures, because I bumped into a lamppost as soon as I shut the door. I just wanted to get away from all of this. Not knowing where to go, I just started running straight towards the darkness that engulfed me step by step. I just couldn't take that picture out of my head! How could he? Oh my god! I feel like dying! I liked him since I was 11! For 7 freaking years! He wouldn't have known of my existence if I hadn't shouted or obsessed over One Direction and showed my love for Zayn Malik that day. He knew how much I always fangirled about them, and I told him if he ever misbehaved with me, I would run away with Zayn. How can I do that now? Even though they are in town and I was suppose to go to their concert with him. But I cant do that anymore. Firstly, because he has the tickets and secondly, maybe this whole thing will remind me of him too much. I started jogging now, my face still covered with tears and rainwater. I was soaked even after wearing that thick coat. I came to a sudden halt and just slipped down. I was lying against a wall full of posters. It was freezing cold, finally the late November winter hit me. The street was empty, no cars nothing. But soon I could see flashing headlights coming towards my direction. Right then, my fingertips went numb, and black spots started covering my eyes, making it unable for me to see anything. All went black and everything was gone in a second.

Zayn's POV

Driving in heavy rain is so fun.. best part, I learned how to drive just a weak ago. Niall put on Teenage Dreams by Katty Perry, I know, awkward song for two guys to listen to when they are driving, but what can we do? We love it so much! Rhythm of the raindrops gave our ride a little extra joy to it. Niall and I are actually  lost right now, with no security, nothing. Same happened to me and Louis once, when we went to Sydney, but we didn't have a car then. The air outside was getting chillier, Niall switched on the heater while singing along the song. Soon, I noticed the car wasn't moving smoothly, then it hit to me, oh shit.. the tire must be punctured. Not the kind of thing you would want when its raining tigers and wolfs (see what I did?). "why did you stop the car?" asked Niall when I finally did stop it. " I think the tire's punctured" I explained. Niall came to help me as I got off the car to fix the tire, one thing I'm very bad at. Suddenly, I saw something, or someone actually. They were lying against a wall and it looked like they were unconscious. Niall saw me looking at the person. "who is that?' he wondered. But when I took a step forward to see, Niall warned me to be careful, as we were alone. It couldn't hurt to check though, would it? what if the person needs help, we cant just go away. "Niall, lets just we know they're fine." "okay" he said nervously, and we stepped forward to the wall where the person is laying. Getting closer, I realized its a girl, with long brown hair, wearing a thick purple raincoat, which doesn't seem to have worked, cause she looked soaked anyway. Niall tried waking her up, but it hadn't worked. " She's unconscious." I said, giving Niall a worried look. "Quickly get her in the car." Niall directed me. She was surprisingly quite heavy when I picked her up. After laying her on the back seat of the car, Niall said he will take care of the tire and suggested me to take her soaked coat off as that could result in her getting a cold. I took off her raincoat and put it in the trunk. I took off my warm black jacket so she could wear it, surprisingly it wasn't wet. I started rubbing her hands as they were ice cold. Soon Niall came in and assured that everything was fine. He had gotten pretty wet himself, and was just as worried as I was. "Here, try making her drink some sprite." he handed me a can, and I slowly tried making her sip it. Maybe it worked, because she gradually opened her eyes revealing her hazel-brown irises. I had just noticed how long her eyelashes were. She was really pretty actually.

so comment, vote? and just so you know.. Myra's actually my sister's name except her spelling is different :P

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