Chapter Six: Richard: Just A Step Ahead

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I wiped my bloody hand and looked at the stained brass knuckles before tossing them aside with disgust, I looked at Martin as he heaved heavily for air, he looked like hell and I was secretly happy with the outcome. His entire face was bloodied, three large knots were on his forehead and they looked very painful as they bleed profusely, his left eye was swollen with another heavy-bleeding cut. His neck matched his bloody face cause it ran and mixed into his uniform, I felt no remorse as I gestured for Aaron to hand me a pair of needle-nose pliers that had dried blood from someone else. 

"Where is she?" I asked again, feeling my anger only growing more as I waited for an answer without looking at him, I was trying to restrain myself from snapping his neck.

Martin didn't say anything, only released a chuckle and threw his head back with a pained groan right afterwards. I slowly nodded as I turned to face him and slowly walk around to the backside of him, he coughed up more blood and groaned again at the pain he felt through his body, he don't even know that I'm just getting started. I had already knocked out a few teeth with the brass knuckles and I was ready to pull the rest with the pliers if I didn't get my answer.

"You know where she is." I growled angrily, tired of holding back my calmness. "Tell me, now." I ordered, glaring at him as I stared at him with disgust.

He laughed hard with a look of pleasure on his face. "When are you not the boss of me anymore, I could never work for a figo."

I nodded slowly while trying to hold my rage, him calling me a pussy in Italian had told me who side he was on, so there was no more playing nice. I was going to make this bastard pay, I leaned close while purposely crushing some of his toes that cracked from the weight, his shoes had been taken off so we could pull off his toenails. He groaned in pain as he squeezed his eyes tightly, probably trying to picture himself somewhere else so it wouldn't be as painful. I'm going to cut those eyelids off next so he has no choice but to look at me.

"Last chance." I warned, taking my weight off his toes before leaning down so that we were eye level. "Where is she?"

He laughed bitterly. "I don't know." He toyed, but I knew that he knew because his involvement was too great.

"Start slowly draining him." I ordered while rising back to my height.

I leaned close to him. "No one is going to save you, Uomo morto(Deadman)." I whispered in his ear before turning away and letting Aaron take over.

"WAIT!" Martin yelled, making me pause as I turned back to see if he was finally breaking and telling me where to find my woman. "Wait." He repeated as Aaron looked at me for the next step.

I knew that if I gave Aaron a nod, he'll continue with my order but I wanted to hear what Martin had to say, maybe he'll tell me if it means sparing his life. I didn't want him to beg for me to let him go because he knew the cost of betraying me, he knew the punishment was death but what I could do was make it a painless death it he cooperate with me.

"I don't want to hear anything unless it's a location." I told him immediately.

"He calls it il cimitero di Alter." Martin groaned, lowering his head.

"The Alter cemetery." Aaron said what I was already knowing.

My father had died in an abandon warehouse called Mushi, it was a Japanese company that used to sell convertible parts until their property loaned to a bank suddenly, the bank dropped the property after it had lost it's value. My father was looking for my sister's body, as it was rumored to be buried under some cement there and while searching, we got ambushed by Stephen Rodgers and his men. I was wrestling against two of them, they were much stronger and much bigger so they easily overpowered me while my father perfectly fended off the two that were trying to attack him.

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