Chapter Four: Richard: Just Heading Home

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"Martin." I called as I spotted my butler eerily staring out a window as I came down the foyer steps. "I thought you'd of made haste already."

Martin quickly jerked to attention while looking at me with a heavy gulp, he acknowledged me with a simple nod that I ignored as I dusted my blazer sleeves. I cracked my neck to help the slight discomfort I felt before turning to Martin with a raised eyebrow as he walked to my backside and I could feel him correcting my collar. I rotated my shoulders to make sure the blazer was tailored correctly and I wasn't disappointed as I turned to face him while he leered behind me. 

He was odd at times but I figured it was just who he was all these years. He was the only person in the house and with it so late, I'm sure he was going to stay the night in one of the lower spare rooms. I figured it'd feel odd that he wanted to stay here by his lonely but one thing about Martin was that he didn't mind being alone, that's why him and my father got along so well. Things that the regular human found odd was perfectly normal to him, something I learned as I got older around the aging man that stood before me.

"Alana and I are going to Santo's for dinner, we'll be back shortly." I informed him before turning back to look into the mirror.

"I shall watch over the house while you both are away." Martin replied from behind me, and I nodded without even sparing him a glance. "Enjoy your night."

Looking in the mirror, I caught the sight of something moving atop of the foyer staircase and turned around to watch Alana descended the steps one at a time, I was blown away at the sight of her. She was dressed in a gray trumpet gown that left a train along the stairs as she carefully walked, the neckline and sleeves were made of layered lace and her bosoms sat perfectly in the dress. 

The gown was perfect for Santo's, which was a very high-end restaurant that I knew Alana would enjoy attending as they provided the perfect privacy and pretty decent food but nothing would ever be better than the food she cooked. I admired the sight before me as she gave me such a warming smile that only finished the picture in my head, I'd love to lift the bottom of her dress and take her right against the front door.

"Ready?" I asked while hoping I hadn't made a fool of myself by openly drooling.

"Yes." She said timidly with her smile only widening.

I opened the door and held it before allowing Alana to step out of the house first, I looked at the black Lincoln parked only a few feet away like I had requested, it sparkled in the light of the night like a black crystal. I wrapped my arm around my woman's waist and led her to the car carefully while making sure to avoid stepping on her train as she walked with a soft swiftness that let me know she was eager to go on this date with me. 

I opened the door and helped her inside before tucking the rest of her dress, I then shut the door carefully and scurried to my side to get inside as well. I was just excited for this alone time, I finally was going to be taking my love into the open myself and I was more than ready to finally be doing this. I opened the driver's door and climbed inside without a doubt in my mind that tonight was going to be a good night with one another. 

I started the car and it roared to life without hesitation as I glanced over at Alana to see how she was doing, she casually watched me as I changed gears of the car before pushing on the gas to start of to the destination I had picked.

"You didn't tell me where we're going." Alana reminded me with the sweetest smile on her face.

"You'll like it." I replied instead, grabbing her hand and pecking the back gently as I came to a stop before the gate.

I always had a code box incase no one was home and I needed to leave, I pushed in the code and large black gate screeched open slowly, I need to remember to tell Mary to oil it when one of her and a few maids have free time. I glanced over at Alana eagerly, I couldn't wait to inform her that we were actually going to take a trip to Nebraska so that I could personally visit with Ronald about important matters. I knew that Alana would be excited about the trip, I know she'll enjoy seeing Sandy after so long and I was sure Sandy wanted to tell Alana about Ronald's proposal in her presence, and not on paper. 

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