"Pointy Hugs"

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Quest Objective:  Steal "Howl's Moving Castle" from Khadgar's stash of steamy romance novels.

"Should we say something to him?" Anduin murmured to me.

"You still want to have that intervention, don't you?" my eyes flit to the side to meet his.

"It worked with my father's anger management." Andy replied from the chair next to mine.

"Your father doesn't breathe fire, honey."

"There are studies showing the positive effects of interventions—how do you think the Great Worgen Shedding of year Twenty-Nine was resolved?"


We looked up. We were seated at our usual spot upstairs, with the tavern of the mists below. Wrathion sat across from us, cold compress replacing his turban, flaming cheeks and a searing glare.

"I'm already sick. You don't have to torture my health further with your love affair," Wrathion's voice was far from his usual melodic, dancing tone that tickled the ears; the putrid nasal sound that escaped his lips made me want to cringe.

"Look at the bright side," I told him, placing my hands on the table, "you can't throw up any more than you already have. There's no place to go but up—I mean down!"

Wrathion shot me a look of pure loathing. At the same time, Andy held out the box of candy hearts, offering it to him, "Would you like some...? Oh, you're probably sick of these by now."

I bit down hard on my lip to keep myself from laughing. Wrathion dramatically slumped down upon the table, "Now there's two of them!"

Andy and I exchanged a look. He leaned over and pressed the back of his hand against Wrath's cheek. I ignored the way my gut twisted at the innocent action. When Andy's hand retreated, the rosy flush of Wrath's cheeks seemed intensified.

Andy made a face at him, "Your fever is scorching, Wrathion. I insist that you get some rest."


I stood from the table, "I'll carry him to his room. You're two years old, Wrath: you knew a nap time was in your future."

"Do find it in yourself to forgive me if I unleash my insides upon you, dear sister." Wrath's lips curled against the surface of the table.

I wrapped an arm around his chest and pulled him up. Gathering him in my arms, I entered Wrath's room.

My steps slowed as soon as I entered the space. The decor of the room matched Wrathion himself: flamboyant, exotic, mysterious. I walked past golden trinkets that softly spun in circles or tipped back and forth. Jeweled eyes blinked lazily and seemed fixated on my every move. The room deserved to be part of the Caverns of Time, a home for the most enchanting baubles and relics of Azeroth.

I set Wrathion down on a pile of silken blankets and feathered pillows. Every inch of fabric was embroidered with gold, delicately clashing with Wrathion's dark skin. As I tucked him in, the twinkling ornaments of the room would chime and tick, like the natural cooing of birds in the forest.

"Do you want some more health potions?" I asked him.

Without opening his eyes, Wrath nodded.

"Play a lullaby on one of your crystals as well...please."


I retrieved some health potions from my pocket and placed them on the delicate stand beside his nest. Then I reached into my coat pocket and let my fingers glide over a surface as smooth as glass.

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