"We all Scream for HELLSCREAM!"

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Quest Objective: Confront your old boss.

~The Temple of the White Tiger~

The trip here took forever. I feel like months have passed by on our journey north.

The exhaustion of travel didn't seize it's chance to sink in. Anduin and I looked around the great, circular dome of the Temple of the White Tiger. The cold stone contained the cool air from outside without the frigid wind, and the sweet scent of cherry blossoms lingered.

"How old do you think this place is?" Even when Anduin whispered, the dull murmur echoed off the gray-green stone.

"Old. But it hasn't eroded much," I mused. I continued walking with Anduin across the wide open room. At one end sat Xuen —the ghostly cat-like figure that watched us curiously.

When we reached him, I raised a hesitant hand to the massive celestial. "Hi."

I heard something similar to purring. It sounded more like thunder, vibrating through my bones. I took that as a good sign.

"Xuen," Anduin greeted the celestial being. "We have traveled far to stand before you. Truly, you have a majestic home."

The awe in Andy's voice was sincere. I spoke next, "We would like to enter the Vale."

Andy said this Vale-place was opening—to be honest, I thought he was talking about food at the time, but I still think it's interesting, so I'm going along with it.

A pandaren monk appeared from the shadows along the walls. I couldn't decide if his gray fur was from age or dust. "You may enter, but first, you must pass the trial."

Andy and I exchanged a look. This was new knowledge.

The monk paused and gazed at the ghostly tiger, as if the being were speaking. Then he bowed his head and looked at us, "Xuen has permitted you to take your trial together."

"We thank him for the privilege," Anduin bowed his head with respect.

"That sounds great—really looking forward to it. Um...what kind of trials are they, exactly...?" I asked. I wasn't a poet with words like Anduin.

"Nothing to fear," The monk glanced down at the hilts of my swords, jutting out from my coat. "you have come prepared."

"Haven't heard that one before," I muttered. Andy raised his eyebrow at me, but I didn't say more. I felt a familiar pain in the back of my skull. I started retreating backward, to the center of the room.

Anduin had adorned a look that was grim yet determined as he gripped his staff.

I glanced over at him. "You look worried."

Andy looked down at his staff. "My father fought in an arena for a time...this was always his expertise."

I shrugged. "We've made it this far—I think he'd be proud of you."

He started to nod. Then his face twisted into a horrified expression. "Eona—!"

I spun on my heel and faced our opponent.

"Oh, come on!" I snapped as Garrosh Hellscream barreled towards me, swinging Gorehowl high. The axe shrieked as it cut through the air.

"We all scream for HELLSCREAM!" Garrosh's voice echoed across the chamber.

Only me and my stupidly huge appetite could make this up! Stars!

I shook off the daze of emotions and memories that threatened to cloud my focus. Against every fiber of my being, I ran up to meet him.

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